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A member registered May 22, 2020

Recent community posts

So how is 2.0 going? Haven't heard from you in a while!

I understand. You had been working on quite a pace then it suddenly stopped not long after the crash, so it seemed like a deciding factor. I hope you get over the hump of the burn-out sometime. Thanks for the prompt and honest reply!

It's been close to a year since the last anything, and one of the last posts was about crash corrupting files. Did this cause the end of updates in the end?

Glad to see you're still working on the game. It loosk like it's shaping up well!

That a recipe I have never seen, so that's why I haven't.

Does poison have to last literally a week? It takes way too long to fall off.

About the asphxiation mechanic, it's talked about as a part of a game people were playing that they'd hold their breath until they grew light-headed and started to hallucinate, which seems to allow you to see deeper into the super-natural realm in Kanpeki. It's not really explained much in the demo but it is super early.

That's fair. Let's hope Covert Critter goes well!

Did development ever resume?

Hey I'm curious. Is the Ninja actually a woman? Since the Aspect of Ninjitsu animation has an unmasked woman.

Can't this game give more Berry Bushes? I churned through a dozen packs and got 1 total!!

Well, if that's the case, you have a future sale. ... Or I might buy it soon anyways just because. I like the look already.

Thank you! I'll be patient then.

There hasn't been any news in quite some time, so I was curious. I like this game a lot and would love to see more.

Any idea if you'll ever continue this?

I'm sorry this reply is so late.

That's understandable. Everything took a turn for a while.

I hope you really do it. I liked it a lot. Even as messy as it is, it's a fine start and a good first impression. Please, keep at it when you can.

Any clue when the final release is happening?