just tell me here and delete it or something. I can't find it.
Recent community posts
Any chance yall could set up the android version like it was before the changes. As it is now its only compatible with high end devices.
The old zip file system was great because it avoided the space requirements for installation. I haven't been able to play since 0.82.
Never mind I was answered elsewhere. Love the work yall put into the game .
As for the space for the 2.4gb game i needed around 10gb so a little more than that for this one i guess. I would just find out but id have to uninstall all my games and lose alot of progress and data.
The other way that doesn't require large amounts of space that I know of was when the developer was making it a zip download where you move the large game file from downloads to the zimon document. But the zips stopped being posted a few updates ago.
Hopefully, if not i will end up needing to buy a new phone just to play. Im currently stuck a .85. Wont stop me from replaying it though. Tho if I factory reset just might be able to play. But I'd have to sacrifice all my games and data, probably worth it tho.
If it's okay to ask who was making the zip files for android?
Will it be a zip download like most of the older versions? I only ask because the newer ones were apks and very difficult to install on android needing almost 4 times the actual size of the game. Being able to move the game file to the zimon document was a lifesaver. I hope that will make its return