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A member registered Nov 29, 2023

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though ur definitely the first person to show anyone the real victory screen

i beat this game a week ago or smth

now i sit here, lie in wait till they add something new

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isnt that just lvl2 peer? also thats used for something else btw


theres this really cool thing called "moving the support windows" especially for drain, putting that thing on a boss (like spiker) works some incredible magic.

couldnt say the same about smiley or slimer tho

and peer definitely works better at lvl 3 for extra healing n' stuff

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i think this game gets a little bit too easy after a certain point, so maybe a harder varient of each boss would be cool. (spiker > spikiest, slimest > goopest, smiley > angry, and i havent thought of anything for wyrm) EDIT: the harder varients do things like add extra health, attack speed, and new patterns

also idk why but when i get to the final boss sometimes the game just decides to kill itself

i did check the options, there is a way to disable the thing i was asking about

then just "beat" the game

i only have one question, have you beaten the game?

because that sounds pretty cool

also modding community anyone?

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as someone whos beaten 2.0, and im gonna try to beat 1.0, i'd like a feature to disable the "thing" when you beat the game, as its kinda annoying