1 story
1 bookshelf under light
1 frame
1 safe (April's files)
1 trash
if you can't finger out the hints use the walkthrough we get after downloading
you monster
are you talking about house in Undella Town that makes veteran players have ptsd when they walk in
quick question due to the tournament with some of the previous human lovers will we get messages from them since we just saw them
speak of the tournament where is Cynthia since she is also in the tournament
just the mandatory legends or sub, myth, and human counted in that calculation
what about the non legends characters like dawn Flannery whittney or sabrina
is the unova update taking place in black and white or black 2 and white 2
(also are going to do b2w2 are you going add one of if not the only character in the entire franchisee you can go out on a date with)