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A member registered Aug 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for your comment!
Yeah, the multiple levels / abilities was on the roadplan, but did not managed my time properly.
Lessons learned for the next one 💪

I actually liked this game!!
Had fun and got frustrated (in a good way) trying to beat my highscore.
Really really nice! :)

Pretty good, I don't know how many times I have rolled that dice.
Well done!! :)

Yeah, did not managed to get sound in time :(
For the next one I will add sound for sure, thank you very much for the feedback!! :)

I really liked it!
Was fun to play, bad luck for me always rolling the bad faces of the dice :(, but nice work!!

Thank you very much for your comment!

Yeah, adding sound would have made it way better, my time management was not as good as I though to create everything. First time trying to submit something to a gamejam, but next time will be better 💪.