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A member registered Sep 10, 2019

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 (Ahhh, no worries! I'm sorry that times have been tough and I'm glad that they're better now, and you really don't need to be hard on yourself, certainly not on my behalf. I'm still around because I like what you've given, and hope to get more! This is at your pace, and I'll be glad to see what you bring, when you bring it! No worries, take care of yourself first, and know that I am an eager and receptive audience for further updates, whenever they arrive.)

 (Hello! Just dropping by to say that I still keep up with this, and if we get more, I will be quite happy! No worries, and no harming yourself, however letting you know that every little bit is welcomed! I still play the first version on occasion, and just take simple joys from the kidnapping.)

 Ah, outstanding! Looking forward to it! And you are most welcome!

Ah! Very glad to see this back again, look forward to more! Also, interesting to see guys added in. Will there be erotic content with them to, or is that just a way to take them out?

 Heya! Just want to let you know I'm still around and still watching! I wish you the best of luck, look forward to seeing what's coming, and thanks for the update!

 Hell again!

 And it's fine. Life does it's thing, and we all have to adapt. I enjoy the game and what is there, and look forward to what's in the future whenever it does come.

 Thank you for the update, and have a Merry Christmas!

 You are very welcome! And will do!

Hey there! I found a bug during a casual playthrough. I was doing a 'one group a time' run for residential, and when I kidnapped the blonde sisters at the lower-right house, one of them didn't show up. Or rather, she was replaced, with the older woman from the lower-left house. They're both in the same section of the cell when they're all captured, so maybe that has something to do with it. It's easy enough to just go out and capture said older woman and get the sister I think, however still, little bug found, and now reported!

 Thank you! Also, replying to let you know that I've noticed the bug fix version and enjoy it greatly! Thank you very much for your prompt response there!

 Also, I find the stairs with the Lieutenant mission to be a nice to! Seems like something we'll see elsewhere to, at least to me, perhaps showing up in other missions or more difficult capture areas?  In any case, very nice, and glad to have a way to get to her that doesn't trigger any cameras!

 Ah fair enough! I'm never focused a hundred percent, so I can relate. And ah! Alright, yeah, I didn't see the tutorial file! It's nice and I'll put it to use, however again, yes, didn't see it there until you pointed out. Glad it's there though, and glad to hear the trainer is coming in the future! Fun times ahead.

 And you are very welcome! I'm definitely going to try to keep up with this until the end, whenever that may be. And I will continue to report back, because I do enjoy, and thus want to both express my enjoyment, and help it become better. So, lots of good feelings, and I'll be around!

 Alright! I have multiple things to say, and because I'm not as focused as I could be right now, I may come back to say more things later or try to clarify next time, however I wanted to get this out while it was fresh!

 Firstly, the good. All the present girls! Seriously, it is very refreshing to see those rooms fill up, and see the spoils of my efforts. The new gag noises? Wonderful! Getting different gag noises to play with is something I very much enjoy. I'm also a fan of the new panel gags, though I'm noticing the 'bit' gag is missing, intentional choice? Next, the map! I enjoy it, it's a little thing, but I feel as though this world map is better than the last one, a bit more detailed, and I like it. And of course, I noticed the reduction in hideout space! Thank goodness, now all the cells are in easy access for my kidnapper! That was very much appreciated. Also, ability to put the girls down and watch them squirm. Could I do that last time? Because I only found out I could during this game play, and yes, it does help add some help to tactical timing with the captures! ... And is just plain amusing. And, I particularly liked the tattooed girl model... she just looked good, I liked the tattooed body.

 Now, I wish I could say that everything was perfect, however of course, there were some things marring the situation. Bugs will be bugs, you know? I don't know which ones you know about and which ones you don't, and I've seen some discussion on them being fixed or not, however this is what I've ran into during my playthrough.

Bug 1: Leaving and returning to the cell deletes the description text. A real pity for me, though if I kidnap all of them in one go and don't leave the cell, I can read them all. Still, it's definitely not the best.

Bug 2: The information reports the mission a success for the kidnap the lieutenant, despite having not done the mission and not having her in the cells. This doesn't stop you from doing the mission, thankfully, however it doesn't tell you anything and assumes you were victorious.

Bug 3: Attempting to change the Lieutenant’s hair changes it to someone completely different. From blonde to brunette. This is kind of big, for me at least, it basically makes her a completely different person from my prize, or at least a completely different look.

Bug 4: One of the Docks security guards isn’t patrolling. Lower left corner, she moves, and just keeps on turning around. Had to look around a bit to find her because she’s stationary in such an out of the way spot. Had no idea she existed in the last game either, or at least I don't remember her, so I believe this is carried over from then.

 So that's all the bugs! So far at least. Interfered with my enjoyment of course as bugs will do, but hardly damning. For example, even though it hurt my ability to read the blurbs, I just challenge myself to kidnap everyone on one go! Make my own fun, still though, things to be fixed.

 Now for the not-so good. Still lacking a tutorial menu or basic instructions, I mean I just mentioned it last time so it's not like I'm surprised, however it really is a necessary little thing to have, and thus worth mentioning. In the boat mission, the camera at the top-right of where you start still sees you through the wall, and that's very annoying, everything else about that mission works for me, however the camera seeing you through the wall right at the start really makes my eye twitch.

 Now, for some queries! I noticed that this time, there wasn't a "Trainer". He didn't have anything to offer last time, but he was there. Is his lack of presence because he's been removed entirely as a concept, or just because you want to wait to put him until you have something for him? More curiosity here than anything else, and if/when he is there, if he hasn't been permanently removed, what will he actually let us do? And then, I noticed that both of the first dungeon cells and areas had sixteen total girls for capture in both cases, giving plenty to work with! Will the other areas and cells also have sixteen girls each? And if so, does this also apply to the 'special' cell section for our difficult catches?

 And that's it from me for now! I enjoyed this greatly, however felt a need to report every Bug I found, because I simply don't know if you know about them yet or not, and they did impact things. But, again, and it's hard to stress this enough, it was SO satisfying to fill up the cells, gag the different girls as I wished, and listen to the muffled sounds. So yes, this update made me very happy, and gave me a lot of entertainment! Thank you, and be well please!

 Heheheh, as said, I'm all for it! For one thing, it will help distinguish the quality of the meat! ... I mean women. Kidding aside, I do think that will be an excellent addition, and will probably make it easier to pick favorites.

 Oh no worries! And that sounds outstanding! As I mentioned I like the little blurbs of information, and for me, the more that is known about a victim, the more 'weight' her capture is given. So, very much a move towards greater enjoyment for me, I wholly approve!

 (Ah, real life. The bane of all good creative works. You have my sympathies. I'm very glad to hear that my comment made you smile though, and I hope that things do clear up for you and things settle down and become workable again, even good. 

 And while I certainly hope for future updating and will be watching for it, I'm in no rush. You've already made something I rather enjoy, and I wanted to let you know and thank you for it. Whenever you can and do give more to it, I will be quite elated to have it. It's certainly worth waiting for.

 Thank you for your thorough response, and your well wishes! May your day reach the point of, or continue to be, wonderful!)

 Hello. Firstly, I want to say, I'm a big fan. This addresses my fetish exactly right, so I greatly enjoy it. I feel it's important to let that be said, especially since I'm about to have some criticism.

 Firstly, the kidnap the Lieutenant on the boat is bugged. I don't know if you know that or not, however I worked to get taken on and try to grab her before filling my van with people so I could test it out. One of the cameras can see you through a wall, the one to the top-right of where you first come in, and far more importantly, the red button next to the Lieutenant that seems like it's meant to shut down the cameras, doesn't. With the way the cameras are positioned then, it makes it impossible to get to her and out without being seen. Getting there nets one sighting, and the slow-down of having her in a bag gets you sighted two more times by one camera before you can leave it's field of vision, making it a game over. I didn't know if you knew that or not, so I wanted to explain it as well as I could.

 Secondly, going in blind is very frustrating. I was able to figure out enough soon enough, but I was always wondering if I was missing something. A basic tutorial, even if it's a screen before actually getting into the game, would work wonders. E is interact, Q is stuff them in the van, etcetera.

 Thirdly, and finally for now, the hideout? Much too large for all that empty space. I'm not sure what can/will be fit into the area in the future, however right now, I walked down for long enough that I actually thought it was infinite, before walking back up. Unless you do in fact intend to fill that space with something worth that kind of area, it'd probably be better to just have it be smaller.

 Now, my criticisms aside, let me tell you why this very much worked for me and appealed to my fetishes. Firstly, the simplicity of the kidnapping. Some might need more, however for me, it's rather gratifying how utterly 'pure' our character's motivations are. He wants pretty women, and he goes for them. When he can get to them, he snatches them. And that's that. Simplicity can do a lot of wonders when used right, and nothing gets in the way of the kidnapping then. I also enjoyed the muffled noises, if anything I'd like there to be more of them on the snatches and in the van, however that they're there at all is something I find very excellent. And then the creativity of the bondage and view of them in the back of the van, each one is fun and unique in some way. Finally, while the actual holding cells are very clearly unfinished, the four who you can get in there, well, in addition to liking their artwork, I highly appreciate the little backstory blurb they get. Adds a bit of weight to the capture.

 And that's that. I very much enjoyed this work, and felt a need to let you know that I did enjoy it, while sharing my impressions. Thank you for taking the time to read, and please have a wonderful day.