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A member registered Dec 27, 2021

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Ask the FBI why they arrest people for having drawn "children" then

man i just fucking hate kids in general (As in, they are annoying little shits), and im not proving your point, you are trying to win a argument for fucks sake, while i just want to stop getting pointless emails from you, and im not smart enough to stop replying. now please, fuck off

My man, im not the one fapping to digital children, you are a pedo, i dont give a shit about what you try to reverse onto me. I dislike little kids, both boys, and girls, and you shouldn't tell people to kill themselves over internet disputes. now leave me the fuck alone, i play different porn games, ones with those that look like adults.

Pointing things out does not make you a pedophile, that's like saying reporting a murder makes you sick because you assumed it was a murder.

My man, i fucked off from this game. can you please shut the fuck up?

Also, the problem is with them being mentally a child, as in they not only look similar to a child, it's that they ACT like one.

Can you fuck off? You're just making shit up to boost your own ego.

I dont like loli, and i point out that it's kinda fucked up to draw kids in a porn state. End of story stfu stop making me check my notifications and come back to this dead forum on a pedo game.

(1 edit)

Mother fucker ive said several times i LEFT the game for MONTHS, this was far before this fucking update are you fucking stupid?

And pointing out the obvious does not neglect actual children who are victims of rape, predators etc, Sure we should be aware and look out for the kids but, theres little i can actually fuckin do, as i live somewhere where this NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS at least in my area, so i'm leaving it to the police to handle that shit, not to say im ignoring it. 

And can you stop replying? i'd rather end this discussion. It's a pedo game, and i dont want to be talking about the pedo game. 

You know you can go to jail for being in possession of lolicon porn in some countries and states right?

Plus, never once did i say that i was "Fine" or "liked" the main character, They are simply less prominent so it didn't cross my mind especially like almost a few years later after not touching the game for so long. Like for fucks sake, you cant just turn the tables by simply saying "Pedo durr double standards durr" we get it, you like children, go to therapy you disgusting excuse for a "Human" 

Fr, pointing out the obvious, and what is CLEARY FUCKING WRONG, doesn't make us pedo's for stating how this is a bad thing, like for fuck sakes are you people this much of a incel that you have to say "OH NOO YOUR A PEDO CUZ UHGMM UHMM U INSULT MY FAVORITE CHILD PORN STAR" ffs go to therapy

now you are just making assumptions. at least i dont like children, digital or not.

and tf you mean "you people?"  like i moved away cuz pedo game, cuz even with the changes the main character still looks underage so pedo game.

No, everyone that isn't mentally ill thinks that. 

Please seek professional help, and therapy on your mental illness (The attracted to children part) So you can become a normal human being again!

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Oh no, don't get me wrong, i hate that part too. theres a reason i moved on to better games

Fill your diaper, while outside I believe.

Can we get a Download for this version? I'd like to open from desktop instead of having to entire browser, go to and find the game again.

is there a Fetish list?

Anything niche? 

What kind of kinks or fetish's does this game have? 

Yeah all of these are really good. +1

They cum so much that i always expect inflation to happen, but it never does.. Perhaps that can get added later on?

Also, i think the teddy bear was cute, woulda been cool if they kept it. (i still prefer the adult look over.. the child. im not a pedo like some of the people below)

Hey cool, they no longer look like busty children, das good!

I think that's an inflation fetish getting awakened in you.