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A member registered Dec 15, 2022

Recent community posts

dude. no one punished you. God's busy with way more important things than some shitpost video you made. please take your medication, the doctors give it to you for a good reason.

it's not their fault you don't know how to use a computer.

(2 edits)

that's what you get for thinking with your dick.

i did too, but im not crying about it. i've wasted 10 times what this cost me on WAY more stupid things. things i can't even remember. im not very good with my money.

the update's been out for almost a month you spastic. relax.

why can't you just relax

jesus christ why can't you types just relax?

if you don't see anything wrong with that, plus the way you phrased it, i don't think you're old enough to be here.

you're the one who needs to relax.

i don't know. why do we?

why. can't. you. just. relax.

you're not MonsterBox. you're just some guy. enthusiasm is one thing, and you've got it in spades, but my man you need to relax.

why can't you just relax?

are you dissociated or something? why won't you just relax?

im sure they're well aware considering they posted it.



and that is well within my parameters. relax.

somewhere between the next 5 minutes to 10,000 years.


spam click her door button.