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A member registered Dec 12, 2020

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i recommend LA for being an interesting game with lots of cute girls, an interesting plot and the freedom to spend your days in the game as you wish

i love the game so far i downloaded this game a few days ago and came back to the page to rate it and add it to my favorites only to find out you posted a new update for it


I cant wait to find out who the stalker is cause this game has me feeling like im being watched whenever the mc is being watched, also trying to find out what the mc is because i dont think hes human 

is android life any good ive had my eye on it but im kind of on the fence about i

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i love that we share 6 (7 if youre counting serenity) of the same favorite AVN'S and that we both place Leap of Faith as our number 1

Also serenity is one of those games i love to play when im waiting for my favorites to be updated, and since im into the AVN'S for story over lewdness this game scratches the itch for perfect balance of the 2 so good job

okay so i had doubts about this game because im big on stories when it comes to VN's but i just finished chapter one and i have to say, oh my god this story is amazing i think this is going in my top 10 VN's

i know this is just a coincidence but with my birthday being 2 days after the release this is going to be the best birthday gift i have ever gotten

I wish i could support you on patreon but im out of a job right now, i did buy my new memories on steam and i hop that helps you out at least a bit

1 question i do have is, is my new family going to need to be bought any time soon and if so are you planning on releasing it on steam

im not going to lie when i say i put this game down a while ago and thought it wasnt for me, but i just recently picked it back up and holy shit this is an amazing game i cant wait for the next update

This game is too good for you to rush, i hope im not speaking for myself when i say that this game has become something i will wait for however long i need to to play again, so take your time dont get burnt out

I cant wait to see what you mean by leave serenity, i may just have to start a new save file just for that choice

same i yelled the workout routine as saitama would XD

2 deaths is nothing small please take your time working on the game, focus on yourself and your life firs

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oh okay I actually went to steam to see how much it would be (I hadn't even thought of the approval process at that point) so that i can support you that way as moneys a little tight and i cant support on patreon as much as i wish i could, to be honest i took this as a sign to finally give you money for such an amazing game 

********** SPOILERS AHEAD *********************

Also, your work on episode 6 really hit home because I've been where cece was at and I didn't have anyone like the mc to try to pull me back from the bridge so thank you for writing a character that is depressed and suicidal where most creators wouldnt touch a character like that with a 10 foot pole 

I love both your games and didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to sound ungrateful, but I do agree with you that by the end of 0.21 it kinda felt like a "grocery list" (and not the wholesome one from my new memories) I still love the game and I hope that sometime after Christmas I can either support you on patreon or buy my new memories on steam

i just watched the chapter 7 release date video and noticed you had the patreon release date and the steam date is tba is this game getting taken off, if so i will gladly buy it on steam i just want to know

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im not gonna lie i was hesitant when i downloaded this game back at episode 4 but these past 2 chapters have been making the game 10 times better at this point ive been screaming at my computer for the mc to remember emy and he finally does but you leave it on a cliffhanger i both love and hate you for that (not really) i cant wait for episode 7

i did notice a bug though, when i click on naomi's name in the scenes it gave me the scene for freya just thought id let you know

honestly thats what got me on visual novels, i started out just wanting to play a porn game and nowadays i play more for story than anything else, its hard to find good games like this but there are some gems out there

Is this a game where you have to choose one girl or are you able to get all of them love the game either wa

take the files out of 0.6.1 and move them to the game folder of 0.4.51

it was in progress update 06/09/21 in the first big paragraph heres the link:

MNF 2 is gonna be a sequel to MNF but its gonna be after a time skip to show the pregnancies of all the girls and stuff like that

MNF 2 is gonna be a sequel to MNF but its gonna be after a time skip to show the pregnancies of all the girls and stuff like that

Hey I just read your latest progress update and saw that you said you'd "only posting the game on discord" will it not be on itch anymore or did you mean youd only be posting the betas on discord, i just want to know where i need to download the games from now on im still going to be supporting you 100%

Okay thanks for letting me know

whats in the patch, and do i need it if im doing a full download of v0.1.3c

Whats the song that was used in the beach scene with sky

I also found judie from once in a lifetime in the phone store on day 3 part 2

Holy shit i just finished that game a couple days ago and i didnt notice that 

i loved this game it had me immersed from beginning to end, i wish i could rate more than 5 stars i cant wait to see your next games and you can bet your ass im going to be looking forward to whatever updates you have in store, i thought with this being 1.0 that youd stop updating and might i say that plot twist about astaroth i loved it keep up the good wor

i have never been so excited for a game update ever, this had me on the edge of my seat i cant wait till this comes ou

I want to give this game a try but i cant find where to download it

im just happy this game is being worked on but take your time and dont get burnt ou

Im having trouble finding Vana, ive been to the arcade in the afternoon and night, and i have 100 wins on the racing game and interacted with everyone i could, any tips on how to find her

first off i love both your games you've made, i was a little skeptical about this game at first especially with the small file size but I've gotta admit this game made me cry, laugh and all around have a good time i cant wait till the next episode comes out, ill be on the edge of my seat just like i am with every chapter of my new famil

Im so happy that chapter five is out this is one of my favorite VN games i even marked the release date of chapter 5 on my calendar

I love the game so far, but i do have 1 question, what does slag mean i dont know if its a European thing or if ive just never heard of it

Cant wait to hear what background music you add to this amazing game

Hey first off love the game im on my thord playthrough after a few months, secondly i know the game is fully out but do you have any plans to add some background music to the game or no? Just curious

you just keep up the good work, besides your game opened my eyes to what i could do once i learn programming, i hope what i make is half as good as this

I fucking love this game, i love how you added problems to everyone's lives, makes them feel more human if that makes sense I am definitely going to have to replay to go after every girl and see what happens although i can say Cece is my favorite mainly cause i can sympathize with her, but you're doing amazing work keep it up and i cant wait for the next update 

Hey I just finished this game and oh my god was it amazing, i love the dark mystery of it and i love every character in it i cant wait to download 0.10 when it comes out once i get the money ill save it till i download 0.10 and definitely tip you some (assuming the money goes straight to you