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A member registered Sep 04, 2019

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Wow my jaw dropped at the end. I did not expect that. You did well conveying emotion in the story, though the English could use some work :)

Addictive :) Ended on my best run Floor 24

Enjoyed this, was satisfying to take the boss out!

(1 edit)

That is totally understandable man! If you ever need to test some Linux outputs/Builds in the future (for this game or any other games) feel free to throw me a message anytime. I can download any Linux outputs you send and see if one works. I'm on the latest release of Ubuntu so it is a very popular platform to test on :)

(1 edit)

Nice Job! I liked the Atmosphere in this. It would be cool to have a few more outcomes that could be reached, as I am interested to know more about Adam what would have done depending on if I complied, for example :)

Damn, the game is not launching with the Linux download for some reason

I love the idea and theme of the game!

I really enjoyed this!