Weirdly nice of the sinister boob-witch trying to recruit an apprentice to gain power from the Old Gods to make you leave if you say you're any age under 18. (We know it's just supposed to be a player age verification thingie, but it's kind of funny in the context of the actual narrative that this clearly amoral witch-thing that has no problem merging your mind with an undead knight based on nothing more than a "yes" to a vague question cares about that.)
Recent community posts
Have explored more, and it seems to happen any time you start a new game without exiting the game first. (Changing settings might affect it, will need to test)
The last time, hitting did actually cause it to recalculate to the correct value, though this isn't an option if it incorrectly calculates you as having busted.
Yeah, that kind of sucks for my low-depravity run, though, since I got a level by accident because I didn't replace my miniskirt with something more modest before... either the bra or the cursed heels. Still, there are ways to lower the weakness effect level through purity skills, so that's something.
The alleys seem... very badly broken at the moment, or else something is messed up with my installation. The walls aren't solid until you navigate around the pair -- just the blackness -- and the scene you're supposed to get the first time you approach them didn't trigger for me until I tried going through a second time. (And trying a third time, after sleeping, the pair are still there and I got groped by one of the guys again... though maybe that's 'cause I didn't do anything with Ami?)
EDIT: Also something feels like it's up with Mia and Ami. Their names are anagrams, they run perverted and innocent versions of the exact same business, and their facial features and eye colors are similar enough they could pass for twins. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but if it turned out they were actually twins, or that Ami was Mia while under the effects of some kind of curse, I would be... extremely unsurprised.
EDIT 2: Geez, I hope if I called it, you're not the kind of writer who feels like they have to change plans or twists if someone guesses them in advance.
EDIT 3: ... What is the Sheer Skirt/Blue Detached Sleeve Blouse outfit a reference to? At first I thought Mima, but not only does it not quite line up with her outfit, that's a heck of a deep cut for a random outfit in the game.
EDIT 4: Well, second guess was a dud. The God of Wind reference made me think of Annet Myer and El Viento, but it's an even worse match for that one.
EDIT 5: ... Wait, even as a blind guess, why the heck did I consider Arle Nadja?
{Esther} Well, whichever god you follow, they seem to be malicious and enjoy fomenting hatred of people for existing. I would be curious about which one it is, though, as I still have limited knowledge of this world's religions.
{Tamamizu} I would like to fill your sock drawer with vermin, but I am afraid I cannot at the moment. I apologize, I will get to you with appropriate and well-deserved vulpine mischief as soon as possible.
We... like this. Rei and I, the most drone-aligned elements of our system. (Rei's robo-kin as well as nekomata-kin, and just generally likes drones, anonymity and such. I'm a doll, among other things, so it hits some of the same stuff) Reset day is cute and sweet and hopeful and fun, but coming to this (We'd planned to play it for a while, but forgot about it), it's already shaping up to be intense and touch on some stuff we really missed from Reset Day.
(This was written early on, will edit or reply with more thoughts later)
EDIT: Okay, the whole thing is very good and it's a lot more doll/drone than Reset Day. Its canonicity is... ambiguous, to be sure. (Parts seem to directly tie into Reset Day, while others seem to outright contradict it) The writing, presentation, and gameplay are a lot more rough, but definitely prefer the *experience* here.
Nice, though would prefer to at least have the option to see it from a girl's perspective. Still good, though~
(Also, best guess as to the cause for a pink sky? Hellhound with unusual tastes. Most of us I've met like our bimbos and himbos dumb, not just sex-obsessed, but we're actually a pretty diverse bunch, so maybe there is one that wants them to still have brains, just totally focused on fucking.)
... You wildly misunderstand my issues. My issue is not that the situation "isn't that bad," but that saying "We can't do anything at all about this, but it'll be okay anyway" seems to be a call for passivity. People *should* be engaging in disruptive, even violent action to mitigate the damage as much as can be at this point and preparing for the catastrophe to come, while the game's ultimate message seems to be to just sit there and hope you're one of the ones to survive.
Honestly, seen corruption take the form OP mentioned, and also other forms. It varies a lot. My issue is less the corruption, than that the dude behind the plan is just too detestable to root for, even in a kinky way. Driving someone to suicide is just a bridge too far, and just makes me want any ending where he loses, whether it's a Pure Aura, or an Alicia rebellion at some point. (Golden ending for me would be for Rose to loosen up a little, Aura to lose some of her arrogance and excessive self-sacrifice, and Alicia to mellow out on her maliciousness and all of them to form a polycule, but that's... not likely, is all I can say.)
I... posted a bug report on the Steam forums, not knowing about this spot. (Also, would've likely bought it here if I knew about this spot!)
(It... had to do with *something* related to the Scarecrow Status causing characters to restore 25 HP every time they hit, and also disappear entirely except as inventory items if they became Onaholes)
EDIT: I've... also been completely unable to find the Blue Jewel from the hint offered shortly before you get the Blue Tome.