Thanks for playing! Good point about the deactivation: I kind of showed how to activate snakes through the level design, but didn't really highlight how to deactivate them. I feel you on the undo button :D Probably one of the first things I'd add if I continued working on this.
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Great visuals! Very smooth shapes and animations.
The gameplay was also quite interesting. The best strategy right now seems to be to spamclick all the buttons (LMB, RMB & Space), but with some tweaking, I could see some very intriguing combat emerging from the mechanics.
One easy QoL improvement is mouse trapping. I accidentally closed the game once by right-clicking the window frame and then clicking Close :D
Thank you very much! Agreed on the ending being confusing, I spent too much time making the last level. I think, you could consider it a puzzle in its own right :)
Also, there isn't any music, I just put "Yes" for the audio submission question, since silence isn't someone else's property, but thinking about it, it isn't really mine either :D