Do you have plans to enable a pure evil path for the protagonist? I'm thinking along the lines of a mechanic which completely breaks a slave, making them incapable of arousal, orgasm, affection, happiness, willpower, or corruption (all values permanently negative unless you un-break them). Some benefts would include:
1) They can still be forced into prostitution even though they don't satisfy the usual requirements
2) Are never defiant or angry and are always fearful of you
3) Are never at risk of escape
4) Are unable to refuse anything
5) May be raped by you or by any of your corrupted male followers even while aslepp or unconscious, and can generate prostitution income even while unconscious
6) Generate higher prostitution income due to the underground nature of the service being provided
And some disadvantages would include:
1) Are at very high risk of suicide unless constantly restrained and/or guarded
2) Are at risk of death unless their health is monitored closely
3) Are at risk of being snuffed by clientele unless guarded closely
4) Do not generate prostitution income from clients who want an enthusiastic partner, but appeal to a more niche clientele who want girls who are crying, struggling, and/or just unconscious.
5) Incur a penalty to influence
6) Can make other slaves unhappy unless they have high corruption and/or are sadistic themselves.
Anyway, you get the idea. If this is not at all the direction you want to take your game, that's understandable. I was just curious