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A member registered Aug 24, 2020

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(1 edit)

As a very early game, it seems like a nice start.

I downloaded and played today, went on Us and Asian servers, At least one or two people playing so nice.  The one problem i had was that the crouch was c and sprinting was shift. In my experience with games it's usually the other way round but i suggest adding a controls menu which would just let the player set each key-bind to their preference. 

The health seems too low compared to the damage of the guns because like whoever gets the first shot and just hit 2 or 3 more shots and kills the other player. So either decreasing the damage or increasing the health of players would be nice.

Game rounds are too long, making each round something like 5 min would make the game seem more fast paced. Also if you wanted to make the game more fast paced, i would suggest increasing the players speed slightly while decreasing the reload time of guns. I guess the Sleight of hand works.

A respawn button after you die. If the player just goes off the game for a minute, the automatic respawn lets the enemy just kill the afk player.

If you go to Settings --> Controls, it still has the mobile controls.

edit: what's the control to get your secondary weapon out?

All of this is just my opinions and my thoughts on improvements to game. 

question: Is this pre-catalina 32-bit for mac or after-catalina 64-bit?(for Mac)

(1 edit)

A little bit late(well a lot)
This is not the game's fault. Mac denies access to apps downloaded from the internet, especially because it may contain virus that could harm the computer.  To get the game running, u have to open Terminal(it's a software on every mac).

Then right the following commands:

 - cd application path( If you don't know what that is search it up, it should look somthing like this, cd Users/User/Downloads/Foxhunt_v1.1.03_Mac)

 - cd Contents/MacOS

- chmod +x *

then open settings -> security and privacy -> general  and there u should see the option to open anyway

And that should let the game run

Edit: found a good reply on one of the apple discussion threads that explains this more easily,