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A member registered Dec 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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Madre mia que descuido! Fallo mio, lo copié directamente de un pseudo-GDD donde definimos los controles y supongo que lo cambiamos en algún momento y se me olvidó actualizarlo ... Queremos sacar una build con sonido en los próximos días (se nos han juntado las comidas familiares y que yo he cogido un resfriado del copón), lo dejaré corregido para entonces!

¡Hola! Mi compañero y yo hemos tenido un descuido al entregar el juego y creo que hemos enviado dos por error (uno es el correcto, y otro era otro juego antiguo que teníamos en nuestro perfil). He quitado el otro y ya solo sale la medallita de "submission to El DeV invisible" en el proyecto correcto, pero en caso de que haya cualquier problema avisadnos y lo resubimos o hacemos lo que haga falta

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :)

Sorry for the late response! Thank you so much for playing the game and showing it off on your channel! I hope you enjoyed it!

Yeah, it's a silly bug I forgot to fix before ... The game doesn't check if there is at least one player turn in the whole game, and if that happens, it gets confused when calculating the final score (because it's divided by the number of turns you've had, which is 0). I'm working on a small patch with all the feedback I've got from people, this bug should be fixed by the time I upload it. Thank you for playing!

It's the only part not explained in the tutorial (I'm sorry!). The numbers are the turns, and the circles underneath them are the different actions in each turn. That way it's easier to tell which card/turn is the one that's being currently performed, and which turn(s) comes next.

It's also a way to know which turn/action is being performed right now, how many have already been performed(white), and the number of mistakes(red)/successes(green) you've made

I really should've explained it better in the tutorial. Thank you for playing!

Yes, I've been told the game can be very confusing at first ... I'm really glad you enjoyed it though! Thank you for playing!