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the idea of training endurance is that you have more energy and can train more. Endurance training cost scales with lvl of endurance, that's make sense. What doesnt make sense is that for some reason Strenght training cost also scales with endurance lvl, making it kinda pointless and weird. With more endurance training becomes less and less effective, it costs more energy and gives same experience. You have new fresh amazonian training on lvl 8, but it is final lvl up so it is kida useless, you use it few times, lvl up to lvl 9 and the game ends here for now.
Another annoying thing is that training endurance sends you to training strength window, making it harder to train endurance in the first play, so you need train endurance, and go back to gym menu instead of just pressing one button again.
(i kinda like the rivalship, but it would be more interesting if you rival would grow from days and not your lvl, and also it would be better if we could surpass her on some stages so she would be more motivated to reach new stages sooner. Now it kida feels like one way play. We train, but she is always a little ahead)
i cant leave a review about a perfect touch under its own page so i l just leave it here. The game is amazing. Kinda reminds me a little about that old comic "gain size now, ask me how" because of close theme. I really enjoyed the game and wish there was a way to downoload it. I want to save it in my collection to ensure it would always be there.
I am kinda stuck with cursed cartridge. You must finish the game. Ok, i took item from locker and put it into teleportation, "you hear noise from your closet" ok, i am going to locker Room, there is nothing, maybe it is in the storage? Nope, there is place for user on terminal, but you can't do anything with it. Server is closed, train station is locked. You go back to teleportation and all you can do is retrieve, place and go back to main hall. What i can do? I don't understand
bunny is not in secret passage, but check out, is the event is still going on? It only lasts 1 game day, if you finished the day and progressed to the next all bunnies will disappear. You can check it by checking if the bunny that gave you quest is still there. There is like a small lake on the right corner of the woods, but you can go by corner of dirt and on the other side of the lake, less than a screen of travel would be a bunny you are looking for.
can i ask something? why at some time you stop or almost stop getting shards for upgrading rings? It was fun and allowed to grow to some monstrous proportions in previous versions. (Where can i find height ring? I remember it from previous versions, but i can't find it anymore) Why you are banned from curse protection if you paid off your debt?( will there be more ways to spend money? because at some size semen gives you more than you could hope to spend. I have no idea what they are doing with it, but i am ok with it. I can offer a pay to refill pills and some new pills that cost too much. Maybe something else, like charity or offerings to the temple)
to sum up. Main thing i don't like in update - you cant train all stats anymore. In previous version, you train stats until they are maxed out and you need to ascend to new form. In this version you train one stat, or more than one, but you are limited by your height, at one moment enemies start to give you 0 height and dont train a stat anymore. But you can try and grind few hours for a few extra points. So it is basically the same lvl up system from demoneater but hidden. If you dont have trained stats you cant win, you cant train stats if you had idea to have muscular huge ero wolf, because enemies dont make you grow anymore. It is still more pleasureable to play than demoneater but i completely dislike trend of this update, where it takes the development of the game. The balance need some work, because ero build is unplayable at the moment, muscle build buff your main attack so it is pretty good, i have not tried weight build.
some enemies have 2 types of attack, they are easy to defeat because there always attack that you can attack enemy and you would have same attack or you deal damage. enemies that are not limited and can use 3 attacks are much harder. enemies tries to remember your pattern, so you can play from this.