Those are rookie numbers, you do not yet know the full power of the rat king
Recent community posts
How is it even possible to make a game like this lag consistently? Everything is done in discrete intervals. I can understand lag spikes when processing all the units, but why do effects like tax accountant or mermaid or whatever cause the game itself to lag?
Edit: I figured it out, it's the draw calls! The lag happens whenever the figures get multiple different symbols, like multiple plusses or shields etc
Played this game obsessively due to wanting to know what happens when you make two suns collide. I now know that, and decided to give it my all for my last game. Very addicting, very exciting, 8/10, never wanna play it again because god I've wasted so much time playing this that I could've spent studying.
After playing for a bit, I gorra say, cool prototype. Wish there was more control over what units you get though, it's really hard to create combos and such. Maybe you could add some sorta "unit catalogue" which lets you fave/ban certain units to more easily get the stuff you want. Maybe you could fave three units, making them twice as likely to appear(still taking ranking into account ofc) and also ban three units, making them not viable to be drawn.