Thank you so much!
Very cool to see you play the game and trying to figure out the story I tried to tell, glad you enjoyed it :D
Hello there,
I really like Bitsy, I think it's a really cool engine, so I wanted to give it a try and make a game with it myself.
So I premade all my backgrounds because I'm more comfortable working in photoshop and wanted to import everything with Pixsy. I was able to do so, but when I import the new code in Bitsy, it gets incredibly slow. To the point where I simply can't use it :/
I tried waiting a bit for the engine to load everything (when I say a bit, I mean a couple of hours :D) but no success, unfortunately.
I also tried adding every room one by one, taking it slow, but it doesn't work ether and the backgrounds appear totally messy when I do that.
Maybe that's because my backgrounds are too detailed (they are 128x128 1bit images) , or maybe I have too many backgrounds (there are 24 of them), I don't know, but I would love to know if there's a way to fix that ?
For now, I'm recreating the "Bitsy look" in Gdevelop, but I would prefer working with the real stuff :D
Cheers !