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A member registered Nov 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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From what i understood, it is going to be a very short Game, that Jashinn is gonna make as a test.

It’s going to be a mix of 3D and 2D (I would assume, similar to the game night of revenge)

If i have to guess, jashinn is gonna use this to test out, how developing a game like that works, before they go for their next actual game.

That part’s easy. Let every enemy just rail you. It doesn’t deal damage. This way, the only enemy you need ammo for is the gym boss and the plant monsters at the end of the current version. And also the one time you have to shoot barrels.

You can do it literally here on Itch.

why does it matter if its spicy animations or story that is behind a paywall? Pay = get content earlier, simple as.

And why should some content only be for early payers? Makes no sense. This is what pretty much any developer does to incentivice people to support them. Pay me and you can be an early bird. Don't pay me and you get the goods later.

you do get the stuff with the next update, so you do get it eventually. The paid version just gets stuff earlier.

- Sounded like a suggestion or argument, apologies.

- if you actually fight stuff, dodging and hitting stuff with the stick is super easy, keep the bullets to the gym boss and groups.

- i'd feel like a knife would be way too short, you'd just getting hit every time, before landing an own hit.

You have the staff as a melee weapon.

But i have to ask, do you actually try to beat the monsters for fun?

Because if you just want to beat the game, submitting to every monster except the gym boss works too.

Yes, the declveloper posted an image of the slime on cien and fantia recently and said it would be animated in a later update.

Depends. On desktop its rather easy but on mobile its a little more difficult.

On desktop, my save from previous versions worked on newer versions, so i didn't have to do much. But when your save actually gets lost, you might want to look for the game in your %appdata% and make a backup of it.

On mobile its more difficult as you need an app that lets you enter hidden and blocked folders on your phone, or you need to connect it to your PC.

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I suggest going to and looking for the game there. People usually post full game saves and mods for stuff like invincibility.

But honestly, the game isn't hard, you could just play through it, you'll enjoy the reward more.

only the 1st of the 3 new areas

Love your game, but i have a question.

What are you planning to do, considering the recent events of the Unity engine? Will you port to another engine? Will development stop?

I really hope it wont stop, this game is a gem so far.

Starting jauary first, you as the developer of a unity game, have to pay 20 cents for every installation of your game, if your game exceeds a specific number of payers.

I think i do not have to say, how bad this is for small teams and developers.

Not to mention you could uninstall and install a game to make them bankrupt

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Bruh, you do realize, this is a single person, making this?

4 Momths for 4 new enemies and 2 new game over scnees is alot considering this. In my personal opinion, this eveen exceeded, what i was expecting to be added

Not to mention, the developer might stop entirely, considering, the shit unity did.

Regarding your question, the paid version contains the gallery, which is visible, when you finish the game.

And in regards to the new enemies you mentioned, i was able to encounter them, they come after the spiders. If you weren't able to get to them, they are probably part of the paid version too.