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Daniela Henao Ortiz

A member registered Aug 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Emotional and beautiful game, short and maybe as someone else said, it lacked perhaps another ending, some decision, but I'm glad to be able to play this kind of experiences, thanks to the developers. 

From the images I came with expectations of finding a cozy and satisfying game, a quiet trip, but it ended up being a criticism of where the garbage is thrown and consequences of capitalism, it is sad how you do not stop looking for a place for garbage and how much garbage is created by tourists for example. I liked the game. 

day 64, I really like having an end to the story, happy for the queen

Very aesthetic game, really liked that and also the concept, it's just sometimes very difficult to control and as someone says, it lacks basic options like volume control. But overall good job! 

(1 edit)

Very aesthetic and relaxing game, just wish there were more mini-games or furniture to decorate the place.

The sound effects added in v1 are very satisfying as well, very retro.

Would be great as a mobile game, if it had a couple more minigame mechanics and the ability to save for the game

The anxiety is very well portrayed, I wish it didn't feel so real to take a misstep and suffer so much fear. I wish it was as clear as hearing the music in your head as in the game, of when anxiety is strong and if we get away from it everything will be fine. 

Short and aesthetically pleasing puzzle game, good pixelart, with a situation that perhaps many imagine thinking of older people with cats. Very creative!

Creative and fun puzzle, very nice and consistent aesthetics. There are some bugs when you change planes, if you fall for example in the corners or inside blocks as shown in the image, you can't move, but overall, I had a good time with those 4-5 levels!