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A member registered Sep 20, 2020

Recent community posts


Oh yeah? I came back here because he ban me on BBRMS 1st year anniversary! And now I am Unbanned now!

No I'm not! On the BBRMS 1st year Anniversary, Paulor94 ban me for to add a character! And now I am back!

I’m Back!

I don't know

Are you going to add a character named Candy Kid?

(1 edit)

Oh Man Paulor94! I can't wait for the Next Map to come with the .zip file and the new ending On Christmas Day!

Hey! You made a nudity picture of me! That is not nice!

But I said in the next map when he is making it!

And this time for that, please add a .zip in the next map!


Paulor94 please add the BBRMS 1st year anniversary please!

I can't allowed download .rar. I Suppose download the .zip!

Please add .zip because I want to play this new game!

Okay. I will not spam!

No, I can't.

Do not kick me!

Where Is The zip Download? Can you please add that?

But I want Paulor94 to add Dusty!

Don't Say That To TheTopHattedStickman!

(2 edits)

Okay! So, I am not going to ask the paid game anymore because the test is the last thing! Let me guess, I think You won't add Math Machine, new logo called smaimeter, new charater called TimTom And Dr. Refliex, and Poster called "When you have a will, don't say never! Just leave those thought!" Oh, and also, are you going to add a new event called Red Elevator is open or not? Because that Is not added from Full game

(3 edits)

What?! No it wasen't me, Because cotepus in a halloween said the F Word at me! And plus, I am not asking for stuff from Baldi's Basics Plus! Please I am sorry!

Hey Paulor! cotepus in a halloween is spamming and saying so many bad word! Can you take care of cotepus in a halloween?

Okay! That's It! I am telling him Right now!

Quick Question! When  Are you going to Release  Baldi's Basics Random Map Series 1st Year Anniversary?

I can't wait for the BBRMS 1st year Anniversary about come in Tomorrow or The Day After Tomorrow!

You said The F Word Again! Stop Saying it! If you dare you say that 1 more time, I will tell Paulor94 to Ban you!

Hey Paulor94! cotepus in a halloween is spamming and saying the F word!

WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!!??!?!


Stop it right now! You need to Calm down right now or I will tell Paulor94 to turn off the comments or ban both of you!

Where is T for The?

A question. Mrs Pomp Was Added in Baldi's Basics Challenges Map Demo!

So don't spam!