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A member registered Sep 30, 2014 · View creator page →

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This was such a fun take on the theme and really fun to play! Wish there were more levels to keep going. Great job!

This is such an interesting concept. Very fun, frustrating, but fun. Well done!

Totally agree that there needs to be a way to remove a note for players. We also need to be more lenient with the timer too. We will be looking into both those things for a future update. Thank you for taking the time to play!

Thank you so much! We admittedly need to work on differentiating the notes better and plan to in a future update. Colour coding was one of the options we were considering. Thank you for the suggestions :)

Wow, thank you for playing all three! We would have loved to have added more but just ran out of time.

We definitely plan on making certain aspects more lenient in a future update. Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing :)

Those are both things we plan on fixing in a future update. Thank you for playing! Will give Pawfinder a go now :)

Thank you for playing! We're planning on making it more lenient and easier to differentiate notes in a future update.

The time restriction and note differentiation is definitely something we'll look into for a future update. Thank you for playing!

The time restriction and note differentiation definitely needs to be worked on. Something for a future update. Thank you for playing!

Being able to undo placing a note is definitely something we would have liked to have added. Thank you for playing!

So addictive! Really fun and visuals look great too : )

Love the concept! Great little puzzle game~