soooo abandoned or are we just doubling down on malo? 0.o
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.... I am trying to complete the first bloody level my good sir or otherwise nerf the difficult for the love of all and please more fluidity for low ground enemy's the dog the snake the (clearly what i can assume is) jock im getting killed by the horde sooner then i can get to the end of a level at least make the horde catch up to you slower that would help while i destroy my keyboard trying to escape
i mean honestly i couldn't agree more with that granted i bought this way back when it was the barest of bones and haven't checked it out yet but to just go ahead and say "waste of money game sucks" blah blah etc etc.. is really poor judgement on a game thats in early development besides no one asked you to buy the game you did so of your own choice let other people have there own experience's themselves and if your gonna be that upset over some pocket change that don't meet your standards go complain on reddit sure someone there will give the time of day
so I got an issue no matter how many times I start up the game
So this is pretty much what happens game loads up fine I’m thrown in I see the world loading but for whatever reason the game decides I’m not on the ground at all and I’m sent free falling through the map all I see is an tent when I get in then I’m sky diving
Side note I didn’t play the previous version