In game she says its pronounced Sha-reez but in reality its closer to seeuh·shuh or even Sur-sha, Being part Irish it always had me like Sha- reez? what ???!
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yea from what i have seen a lot of the sex scenes are super weird and mostly very guilt trippy its fucked up like marcus asexual ok cool i dont mind that i wouldn't mind if they all were but its kinda messed up the game seems to expect us to just know or not do it.I wasnt expected fluffy super happy endings but jfc . so much of the choices are pointless and lead to bad things even vtmb has decent endings and that only has a few and none make you replay the game several times to get yet another bleak end but yeah writing and art and music is great just some things need changing
Have to agree with most here while I love its a darker game and is much more mature than other games with romance it seems they went a little over board I would say keep the endings they have now and add more happier ones I was pretty annoyed with the Heath cutting himself off from reality one it was like nothing i did (persuading him to not take drugs for sex , maybe stopping smoking etc ) mattered at all I may aswell of just gone with it all. The writing is brilliant the choices we get are more realistic than I have seen in other games ..even if it looks like our choices never even mattered in the end .