Gracias! Lo de la dificultad y progresión ya lo he retocado; en cuanto acabe la jam lo actualizaré :3
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Muchísimas gracias por el feedback! y si; todo lo que me estas diciendo acabo de acabar de replantearlo justo ahora mismo (no se si puedo subir el parche; ahora pregunto): la dificultad la he ajustado bastante; la cantidad de enemigos que aparecen por ronda se ha reducido considerablemente y los precios de las mejoras tochas han bajado de 150 a 50 [y cuando suben de precio de 225 a 100].
La cámara ahora solo se mueve en un umbral intermedio; es decir, que si vas a mas del 50% de velocidad o se mueve a menos del 5% no avanza sola (la idea de mantener la aceleración en ese intervalo es que los jugadores no se remitan a intentar acaparar todas y cada una de las piedras; o te paras a hacer algo, o te mueves; pero ralentizar el progreso por puro perfeccionismo; No)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Recording the sounds was really fun! (I had to convince my sister to help me with Modi's register and we ended up laughing a lot)
And yes; sorry for the softlocks, I tried to minimize them as much as I could, but I ran out of time to keep re-tweeking them as much as they needed :'3
Ole, muchas gracias! Tanto por los cumplidos como el feedback! (Y si, la dificultad se me ha ido un poco de vuelta y las mecanicas han cambiado demasiado durante el desarrollo como para poder playtestearlas lo suficiente; lo de la camara incluída. Cuando me tome un descansito [llevo una maratón de tres jams seguidas y necesito turbomimir] me pondré a retocar y expandir los juegos para plantear si sacar alguno de ellos en plan bien, asi que me hace ilu que estén gustando!)
Muchas gracias! Y si, la verdad es que me ha faltado tiempo para hacer playtesting y la curva de dificultad ha quedado un pelín demasiado exponencial :'3
Pero (y esto lo pregunto porque creo que no he hecho un buen trabajo haciendo que se entienda), te has dado cuenta de que se puede cambiar la velocidad de la camara? (Con la palanca de la interfaz o la ruedita del ratón)
Muchas gracias! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ La verdad es que no he podido hacer demasiado playtesting y la idea ha dado bastantes tumbos antes de empezar a cobrar una forma consistente, asi que el balanceo de la progresión ha quedado un poquito chiriflustico, la verdad. (Y creo que la presentación de las mecánicas podría formularla mejor)
Thanks for the feedback! I'll write it down! ^v^
(And yes, I dunno how to write real code and I am too lazy/stressed-out to learn; Gdevelop let's me skip all that and focus on game designing. Aside from it being quite quick to let you get something moving, so it's real nice for game jams and prototypes!)
I luv this very much (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
I made two scrunklies:
If you want some constructive feedback, though (not that I think you need it) I'd say that the selection mecanisms could be a little bit more seamless; more concretely, I think it's quite annoying having to deselect every time you touch something (both to perform actions or see the image more clearly); maybe it could use a system where objects aren't automatically selected after dropping them and then tap or click on them if you want to select, or one where you can select multiple items with shift or other input methods.
Thanks a lot! I wanted to make a couple more levels but I only got to work on it full time for two days, so I had to cut corners and rush it a lil bit (the cutscenes,including sfx and implementation, were made in the last 2 hours before the deadline, yikes! ). Right now I'm involved in another game jam, but we'll see if I scratch up some time to develop this further!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
And yes there are some tricks to it all that can help you go faster; if you want to know some of them; there is a comment I posted at the end of the page that gives them away :)
you can throw it in any direction so it starts running, if it collides with any poop it will send it flying, in combination with other critter placement and maybe help of some blocks, you can make it collect poop automatically by flinging it into the bag while you center yourself on producing it.
I mean, I didn't take direct inspiration from pikmin in any sense (even though I FREAKING LOVE the series); but those lil guys are running around in my head rent free all the time so it makes sense (I think they transport my thoughts like on those data transfer and download animations, which explains a lot... ° - ° ) and yee, now that you mention it, the music has something of a pikmin vibe to it! (And maybe, conceptually, the "eating and pooping/collecting and multiplying" kinda vibes? Idunno)
Also, thanks for all the praise and kind words! it makes my feelings feel nice... (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I always like to read how people see the game and why they enjoy it. It's really nice and makes my brain create The Happy Hormones™ (which then are carried and eaten by my brain pikmin to multiply their troops)