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A member registered Oct 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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The Linux build is now properly tagged, thanks for reporting the issue!

Cute game, I really enjoyed the art style and very fitting sound effects!

Cheers! Thank you for your kind words, glad you enjoyed this game so much :) Sounds like the game was a good fit with the Outer Wilds vibes.

And congrats on completing :P

Ahh I see, I think we encountered this issue before. I’ll see if we can have the game start in full screen. I assume your screen resolution is less than 1080p?

Thank you for putting in so much effort! This really helped us a lot!

I did some research and there seems to be a bug with browser exports of Godot games for Mac. I assume this could be the issue since you mentioned having it for other games as well.

But I have good news: I’ve just added a native Mac version. We tested it on a friend’s Mac (M1). If you still would like to play, you just need to download it and right-click “open” :)

(1 edit)

Sorry to hear that. It sounds like your window might be too small? (it should scale accordingly) There is no fullscreen button but you can press ESC to get focus of your mouse pointer to change the window size. Hope that helps!

These are absolutely beautiful, cheers! Will comment if I end up using them somewhere.

ohh thank you for your kind comments <3 glad you enjoyed the game!

(2 edits)

Sorry to hear that :( We didn’t encounter this in our tests but unfortunately there are others with the same issue. I’m hoping we can fix this in an update. Could you share your OS, CPU and GPU type?

If you have the time and will you could also help us a lot by sharing the outputs of the developer console. You can open it by pressing F12 (Chrome/Firefox) then clicking the button to load the game. Some error outputs are expected (typical jam experience :P) but maybe there are more for you that could lead us to the fix.

Apart from that: If you still want to try playing the game, a safer bet is probably the downloaded version :)

Thank you very much! It’s true, we interpreted the theme cliche a little liberally and have put some of our thoughts on cliches into the voiced logs, hehe.

Oh my, thank you! Glad we could provide a wow-moment :D

I like the artwork, very cute :)

Oh.. sorry to hear that! We actually had tried to fix that bug but it seems it’s still in there. Hope you could still enjoy the game!

Really cool, liked the theme interpretation! Very clever with the hints in the reviews. Good work :)

This seems like a neat idea, and what’s there looks very polished! Sometimes life comes in the way. Also cool that you tried out Godot 4 :)

Thank you!

Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed the game loop :)

Hey, thanks for playing :) To get a plant to level 3, every need needs to be met. It’s definitely tricky and for some plants you have to create synergies with other plants for it to work.

Aww, thanks for playing and that nice comment! Glad you had a therapeutic time in the game world, that’s all we could wish for!

Thank you for your comment :) We put a lot of effort into optimizing for performance, so glad it ran well!

Hehe ye Space Farming Simulator fits :D thank you for playing and commenting!

Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar :) Outer Wilds was definitely our main inspiration, so we’re glad it struck a chord. Thanks for playing!

Like the idea and the cliche interpretation :)

Was a fun one. Nice use of the theme! I didn’t get that far but liked the world you built :)

Feels really polished! What I especially like about this game is the UX and the tutorial. I was kind of hesitant and expecting to need to read a wall of text to understand this one. But with the concise intro and all the tooltips etc it was very easy to understand. And lot’s of fun! Still don’t quite get what exactly the caterpillar can do. Seems so strong.

I loved it! My favorite minigame was probably the Final Fantasy style fight against the boss :D So funny animations. The voice acting was great! Also it was very well published and obvious you all put a lot of love into it.

those look awesome, cheers! If I ever use them I’ll show you :)

Thank you :)

Godot 3D in the browser can be a pain sometimes, haha. We had to try many times until it worked smoothly.

btw your game looks really creative and amazing, especially for a first game! I want to try it soon.

Great! Thanks for sharing :)

So cool to see! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the game and humor.

The camera part is a good point. Originally we intended to design the levels so that you always progress "upwards" to see the eels coming. We didn't quite follow that rule though..

Thanks for playing :)

Thank you for playing! It's a good point with the resource imbalance, maybe we could've added an expensive late-game upgrade. But the time constraints hit :P

Glad you had fun with the game :)

Woow, we didn't anticipate people playing without communication, glad that it worked well!

In hindsight I have to agree with you point on the crystals/eels, maybe an upgrade that starts you with 5 crystals after respawning would've helped with that.

Thanks for playing :)

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game :)

I see, yeah that port forwarding step is not needed for our WebRTC connection. With the trade-off being that we needed to set up a server that helps to establish the connection.

Thanks for playing! We're glad you enjoyed the banter, we put a lot of effort into the dialog :p

I can only recommend the guides! We used a plugin by him called godot-nakama-webrtc. It's amazing to me that it's possible to do P2P over HTML5.

Glad you enjoyed the dialogue and atmosphere!

That's unfortunate with the teleport, did you press it at the same time? The reason might also be if you're using a non-english keyboard, the key to teleport would change to what key is where the english T would be. I think I'll update the itch page with a note on this.

But in any case thanks :)

Was a lot of fun. A friend and I played alone on Server 1. Really impressive to have such a system from a jam game.

Cool idea! I like this idea of short matches and I think I played against different players :)