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Nine Rose Rings

A member registered 67 days ago · View creator page →

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Version 1.0 had a bug where if you met your mother in the evening, the game would crash. However, as long as you didn’t take that route, your game should be fine, and you can stick with 1.0. There’s no reason to update until I release 2.0.  

In the most recent 1.5 update, I improved the photos in the scene where you meet your mom for the first time (both morning and evening scenes). The quality jump was so significant that it warranted an update.

Currently, none of the characters are pregnant. That content will come more towards the end game.

Thanks for letting me know. Appreciate your help. I have posted a dev vlog for day two that contains an explanation of why that occurred and some previews for future content. I have also uploaded a new version of the game version 1.2

Thank you for your comment, Mr. 'IT Specialist,' and thank you for leaving the first comment from your brand new account on my project. Your comment has many grammatical errors. If your coding is as sloppy as your grammar, I think I will decline any free tips that come from you. 

In honour of you and your dedication to help me, later on in the game, I plan to create a character who gets cucked and has a micro penis. I will name this character 'Vonamata' in your honor. If you ever come back, play the game, and see that character, know that they are based on you.

Hello, all of the women viewable in the tabs in the top right corner of the game screen will be available to pair with at the end game. You will be able to choose any combination of them depending on the your choices. So, you could get with everyone if you make the right choices, just some of them, or none of them if you really want. 

If you don't like femdom, as long as you avoid choices that make the MC submissive to another character, you should be able to avoid it. Femdom won't be a big part of the game though, so it should be easy to avoid.

This game offers a lot of different choices/options. If you are not interested in a specific fetish, it should be easy to avoid content related to it.

Hope this answers your question!"

Harem, dominance/submission, impregnation & pregnancy, mastarbation, urination, virgins, maids, milfs, corruption etc.

Femdom in small amounts, but I would say there will be more maledom than femdom.

I won't be adding any NTR/sharing or futa elements to the story. The story is more about you conquering the women for yourself,  what ever way you choose. That's why I have stats for things like love, fear, sexual tension & submission.

 So NTR/ sharing would be a big no, unless MC is the one taking someone else's girl, but then that would't be NTR from a player POV

Depending on your choices the tags you're not interested can be avoided.  

Hey, thanks for playing my game & sorry about the error. I have uploaded a new file for windows and mac version 1.1. I have fixed the code and ran the game without any errors. If there are anymore issues please let me know. Thanks!