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Nine Inch Tails

A member registered Feb 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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This might not be very precise, but there are definitely plans for an update in the (hopefully) not too distant future. I'm working on it and doing my best to not make the wait too long

Hey! Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far. As for your problem with the savegame, unfortunately he savesystem is quite sensitive to changes in the game engine, and the last update changed a lot (it's as much a rework as an update). This means that saves from older version aren't compatible with the updated version and won't work anymore. So you'll have to start from the beginning and skip ahead or use the fast forward function. Although I'd still recommend to replay the beginning, since with the new update the introductory scenes also have changed quite a bit.

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I guess I'm just too stubborn to not to continue. ;3 On a side note, the next update should literally be around the corner. Thanks for still staying around!

Thanks for asking, I've stated it several times in the comments, and there's a notice regarding the status of the game right here on the game's page, but in short: Yes, the game is still continuing and has not been cancelled. Actually, I should have the next update (which is more like a relaunch) finished quite soon.

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Well, when it comes to features, preferences differ, and it's impossible to meet everyone's tastes. I've got a lot of feedback from people who liked the break away from the classic Ren'py formula, so if you were expecting something like that, the game probably is not for you. What you perceive as time-wasting someone else might enjoy.

As for some of your main points of critique: I acknowledge the autosave feature is something that, again, might not be for anyone, but it's a design choice that also has technical reasons. You can however reload anytime, you can access the conversation log at any point in the game, which is very similar to a rollback function. You can skip almost every dialog, and the game gives you the choice to deactivate the tutorials right before starting the game (there may be one or two essential ones that will still be displayed, but it won't spam you). The "unnecessary" point&click mechanics are part of the storytelling, which you seem to be interested in. I do admit though, that some cutscene animations have a pacing issue, something that should be improved in the next update.

This is still a work in progress, so yes, for the time being there is only day one (which by the way is going to continue for a while during the next updates, when they'll come up). Also yes, like I stated before, the game is still being developed, though not at a regular pace (I'm just one person, after all), so as much as I'd like to I can't give any estimates when there will be new content, for now. I'll keep this site updated, so whenever an update is going to happen, you'll find it here. Thanks for your interest!

Hey, thanks for asking. Yes, as long as it doesn't say otherwisehere on the page, it is still going. Next update is still going to take a while longer, though. Maybe I can manage a short one at some point early next year.

Not for now, but I'd consider adding a macOS version at some later point, likely with the next update.

Unfortunately there is no Android version of the game, since it didn't perform well on most phones and would have taken a lot of extra work and reduced features to make it run reasonably. So for the time being there's only the desktop version.

The new version (v0.3.2) should fix that problem, sorry for the inconvenience.

As of v0.3.2 this should be fixed. Sorry it took a while.

I'm not sure what you mean with no update. There's the old prototype demo that won't be updated anymore and, newly added, the starting chapter of the actual game, which is the most recent update.

Well, in a way it is, since before it was just a preview, now it's the first update of the actual game. But I admit it can be a bit misleading with the changed title. ;3

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I can assure you, the game is not dead until officially stated so. Like I have repeatedly mentioned before, I'm just one person working on this project alone in my spare time beside my day job. While I spend as much time as I can working on it, creating a game like this takes time, and I can do only so much. I can only ask for your patience, once I have enough new material worth an update, this will be the first place to find it. 

Just to prevent any misinformation being spread: The project is still alive and work on the actual game is still ongoing. Since I'm just a single person with a dayjob creating this game in my free time, development is naturally going at a slow pace, and I can't make even a rough estimate how long it is going to be until the next update, much less when the full game is going to completed (the latter might take years, no illusion there). It will be done, when it's done. ;3

That doesn't mean however that the project is dead.

Yes, it's still very much work in progress, so the finished version will be available at some later point. I'm working on the game in my freetime beside my dayjob, so unfortunately I can't give an estimated release date. I will post any new update here on this site, once there is one, so you won't have to search anywhere else.

This might be a somewhat late reply, but hopefully will be still of interest. The game is not cancelled and is actually still in the works, so there is going to be more, eventually. In any case, thanks for your interest. :3

Currently, yes. The full game is still in the works and it's still going to take some time until the actual first chapter is finished. So in the meantime there's only the demo available.

Thank you so much for liking the game. ^^

As for your questions, of course 18+ content will be on Android too, once there is any; there won't be a difference in content between platforms. Though I most likely will have to focus on the desktop versions first, since the Android port still causes some trouble and will have to get optimized properly.

There are going to be four love interests, if verything goes as planned. ;3

Since a release date is still some time away, I can't say yet if it's going to be free at completion. The next updates will be though. :3

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Thanks a lot. ^^ And it's basically just a fancy way of saying that there's gonna be gay content of any kind. As for the seme/uke part, this kind of depends on the characters and maybe can in part be influenced by the player themselves, though this is not yet decided.

Thanks, I'm really glad you like it so far. Full release will still take a while, but don't worry, there's more to come, eventually. :3

This might well be the explanation here. While under Android the game tries to compensate for weaker system specs by reducing graphics quality etc., under Windows it runs at the highest quality setting by default. For a convertible like the Galaxy Book this might be a bit more strain than under a desktop Windows setup. Unfortunately there isn't really a workaround at the moment other than maybe trying one of the lower resolution settings.

Hey! Thanks for your interest in the full game. The short answer is, not at all, yet. The game is still in development and will be so for quite a while longer. I usually upload new content as soon as it's ready, so if there's something you don't find here, it's because it's not done yet. ;3

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Yes, there can still be issues on some Android devices (I'm not yet sure, what the limiting factor is - on the mid-range tablet and phone I used for testing, it runs mostly fine).
Primarily the game was eveloped for desktop systems and optimizing for Android is not quite easy as there are so many different configurations on the market. If you experience performance trouble on mobile, it's probably better to switch to one of the desktop versions.

Which content are you referring to specifically? If you mean 18+ content, since the demo doesn't contain any respective scenes, that's something to be saved for the main game. ;3 But thanks, glad you like it so far. :3

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As it stands, there is no fixed update schedule. Since I'm only one person working on the game beside my dayjob, I never know how much time I can allocate each month, so updates are going to be somewhat irregular. You can follow the game or watch the dev logs on this site to get notified, when there's a new update.

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Hey there! Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunately, 1gb ram is probably not enough to run the game on Android without issues. I tested it on a mid-range phone with 3gb, where it runs just fine, but I wouldn't recommend going much lower than this.

The game was initially developed to be played primarily on desktop and thus contains a high amount of high resolution graphics, transparency and animations. While this isn't a problem on PC, on Android this takes up a lot of memory, so phones with lower specs might not be able to handle it.

I'm going to add some recommended specs to the download instructions with the next build as a guideline.

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Have you tried waiting for a bit during the white screen? The game takes a while to load, usually up to 30 seconds on a mid-range phone (could be even longer depending on the device). I've added a loading indicator for future builds to make this a bit clearer. I can't think of any other reason why it would hang already on startup at two separate devices. But if the problem persists, I'm going to look into it more.

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Hey there! Is the issue that the game doesn't start after installing or that the installation file couldn't be opened at all? For the latter, you could check the permission settings on your phone for installing files not downloaded trhough the google play store (android is a bit picky in that regard). You can check here, if youre unsure how to do this. Otherwise it should work just fine on more recent devices. For any other issues, you can contact me directly.

Hey, thanks a lot for your praise. ^^ You can't really plan popularity, but I'll keep working on it and see where it goes from there. Thanks again! :3

Thanks for your kind words! The next update introducing some more functionality should be done quite soon. Following this I hope to be able to show some more new content before long.

Hey! I'm glad you like the game so far. :3 Also thanks for your interest in a patreon. I'm planning to provide some means to support development in the long run, which most likely will include a Patreon. Though this I'll postpone setting this up until I'm done finalizing the game mechanics (which should be quite soon) to avoid some pressure. ;3

Incidentally, you can already find me on the Furry VN server on Discord (look for my artist name Imiak); I'm not that active there very often, though. ^^

Thanks again!

The phone shouldn't be the issue. From what I see that message sounds like you might need to give your phone permission to open .apk files that have not been downloaded through google play store. Look here on how to do this on most phones. Hope that helps. :3

Please try to provide a bit more detail, like which Android version, hardware etc. you use, so I can try help you figuring out, where the problem lies. You can either use the bug report form or send me a note.

Thanks for your interest in the story, there's definitely more to come, even if it's gonna take some time. As for the images and chracters on the page, the description and pictures shown there are for the whole game, so naturally not all of it is included in the demo. But they will be introduced, once I have finished the first regular chapter.

Strange, so far it seemed to work fine on most devices. Can you provide a bit more detail at which point exactly the game crashes (at start up, during gameplay, etc.), so I can look into it? Please use the bug report form at the bottom of the game description or here.

Thanks for your interest. :3 Unfortunately for now the game only supports 16:9 aspect ratio, since it's most commonly used. I'll look into it if I can find a solution, though this might take till the next build update. Have you tried if the mobile version works for you instead?

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far. As far as more progress is concerned, I've just uploaded a new update. There's not too much new content, but I've added a couple of new features. Story progress is still going to take a while, but I'm constantly working on it. :3

If your phone doesn't already have a file manager installed, you can get the app 'Files by google' in the playstore, this should be able to open it. To not make things more complicated I have replaced the file with an unzipped one for now, so you just have to download and install it. Hope this works! :3

It's zipped to reduce file size. You have to unzip the file first, you should be able to install the apk-file inside the folder. Sorry, if that wasn't clear enough, I'm going to add a description to the download. Just give me a note, if there are any further problems.