Hi, they looks good but they’re completely not usable as it has a black background on the images.
I see it a bit tedious to remove it from each one, is it possible to have this pack with a transparent png?
Thanks in advance
I’ve created a tool to speed up the creation of the animations for the spritesheet from this character generator for the Godot game engine.
The code does not reveal the content nor does the repository have spritesheets from the character creator.
Take a look at character-generator-importer-tool
Hey, I played the first level and I liked the movement as well as the vibrations of the level. I understand that you can’t finish it because I got to the area where you go up the stairs and you end up in a dark corridor and an empty room.
Anyway, good impression, it has potential as a retro fps game.
Good job
This is a poor game for the following reasons:
I understand the difficulty behind a video game and I admire that you have published it.
It needs quite a bit of polishing and I believe in my opinion, write the story and what you want to happen before placing a simple cube in the world.
I tried to give it a try again but I don’t feel it’s a precision platformer yet. I know it’s your first game so I don’t intend it to be a destructive review
Still does not have an options menu and the help icon looks like a helicopter landing pad. Trust me, giving the option to change the sound volume and screen resolution is a plus for your game and it’s not hard.
In the first screen if you move to the left you can see the empty gray world, should be easy as set the limits of the camera as well an invisible wall for the player.
The player feels ‘heavy’, I notice you can shorter the jump but I don’t quite feel that you have a smooth movement of the player even in the dashes. It’s a difficult thing to achieve but if your game is a precision platformer it should be the top priority.
Climb does not stop in ledges and seems to scale an invisible wall.
A precision platformer needs to be hard but not frustrating, even Celeste has checkpoints for each screen but in this game you come back to the start of the level and that’s not cool. if this is intentional, you should at least increase the bat speed on return.
Game feel, oh boy, I miss a good camera shake on dash, some particles, smoke on landing, world details, world lighting, leaves moved by the wind, etc.
Support gamepads, keyboard does not feel good to play when it comes only to ‘keys’ in this type of genre. I would at least give the opportunity to remap the controls. If I play with keyboard I usually use J for dash and K for climb.
My experience was frustrating:
I have seen that the last patch was 20 days ago but there are no new videos for 7 months and I can’t get visual feedback on the recent version. From what I see it could be of great help to me to create my 3D levels but I don’t know if it is really worth the price or I continue with my own method.
Any thoughs or recommendations?
Thanks in advance
An awesome pack! I used it in one of my hobby projects to create a playing card game.