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A member registered Sep 20, 2021

Recent community posts

Sad this game is abandoned, it was really promising

How can I emulate this game ?

When is the next update coming out ?

Is this game dead ?

Can't wait for the next update you're game is so good.

Maybe if you don't want to give access to the save menu during scenes you should make autosaves before (or at least frequent autosaves). Having to remember to save before every scene can be frustrating. That's the only little problem I can see though.

Time : 9 : 31

Hits : 15

Retries : 4

Yes I did that but I was talking about their sprites. Somewhere I saw different versions of their dresses and I'm pretty sure I saw it at some point in the game but I can't remember when (and I finished all the existing quests)

How can I see in the game the nuns with the different outfits ?

Hi, so how is this 0.3 update going ?

It's already one of the best trainer games, keep the good work.

Best strip poker game I played so far. I would love to play it more with some new opponents.

This is such a great concept I'm surprised you are the only one who made an actual great game out of it. It would be such a pity not to explore it more. I'm sure there is plenty of ways to make some interesting and believable chatting challenges to obtain nudes from fictional girls. And as long as you introduce new girls to the game, i think it will be hard to get tired of it.

I really like the concept.

I really hope the next chapter is coming out soon, I can't wait.