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A member registered Jan 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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3, 4 days ago. I think people little bit like and play because of senario.In the end i dont have perfect grammer to tell tale or i dont know spooky coding tricks but at least i have good imagination i think.Its a not perfect game but sometimes game isnt perfect still makes you play.Maybe this is the reason.

ı Hope you enjoyed in game and thanks for the comment.! 

thanks a lot mate. Im so glad you have enjoy. It have multiple endings. You can discover others too.

Thanks A Lot. It's only first job of  mine. I agree its not a masterpiece but  idea in creating in this game finding a nice people like you and have more perspective. By the way there is a lot way to see. Its not only one way win or lose situation. But im so glad you give your time and actually did a good comment about it.