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A member registered May 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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I am 22 FTM with certificates in business, sound production and marketing and 12 years experience writing in my free time. I'm open minded and looking for any type of project to work on NSFW, SFW or something unrelated to gaming.

My discord is Nissaito#7384 and Instagram is dprlui

You can find small pieces I've written over the years at

Paid work is preferred however I'm open to smaller unpaid projects too.

I'm not amazing at the whole video editing aspect but I did study a course which required me to learn marketing.

I just checked their steam page and it hasn’t been updated since June last year. I assume they haven’t stopped development probably just had to push back the release date.

Can I just say, I can't believe you guys are working on a third game??? Like I've been around since chapter 3/4 of WTNC and I'm super amazed and proud of the whole team and their incredible efforts.

Honestly I don't tend to play many games with such a pretty art style since they never really catch my attention but I decided to give this a try a year back. I love the way the art style fits so perfectly with the writing and how interactive the overall gameplay is. I can't wait for the full release.


Hello hello~ I'm a writer curious to know more about this project~

Sent you a request~

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I'm a writer of ten years currently studying and looking to contribute any skills I have into projects both big and small.

Other than writing I can also:

  • Compose basic soundtracks using launchpad or other music applications.
  • Draft sponsorship proposals to help meet production costs if crowdfunding isn't meeting it's goals.
  • Record budgeting, goals and profit/loss ratios into excel.
  • Create basic websites using html 5 (I've never tried coding games so I'm not sure how well I'd do).
  • Edit audio tracks using software such as Audacity.
  • While I don't have access to I'm also able to use Photoshop, 3Ds Max and Animate CC.

If interested you can reach me on discord at Nissaito #7384.
I'd be more than happy to send you drafts of some of the things I've worked on in the past.

I don't necessarily have experience as a voice actor but if you're looking for a "weird" accent to throw in there I'm from New Zealand. I'm also more than willing to put in some research so I can improve on the job

If you're still in need of someone to handle finance and accounting I do have some basic experience from previous course work and I'm good with numbers. My discord is #7384

First things first. I got so hooked on this game the first play through took me around 6 hours and man was it worth it. I loved all the cute anime references, considering I lost interest in it a while ago it was pretty nostalgic especially seeing the first manga I ever finished referenced. The colour scheme was also one of the most refreshing things I've ever seen in a visual novel. The way it contrasted the topics tackled was pretty smart in its own way, kinda like an upbeat song with sad lyrics. Honestly the thing I loved the most was the way the story line coincidentally somewhat mirrored my current situation.

I'll definitely be playing this again for the rest of the achievements.

I don't know what happened but I fell for Nikolai so hard. Love the sassy boy sm.

I really enjoyed the demo and the adorable art style. I've managed to discover all the bad endings so far and can't wait for the rest of the game~

I really love this game and can't wait for the full version but I was wondering if there was a way to erase mistakes when painting your mask without having to start over all together?

Honestly, I'm curious. Was the person the protagonist woke up next to a succubus or is that a secret?

I really love the idea of the story and its flow. I also enjoy how relatable the mc is with his thoughts and such. Another idea I quite enjoy is how the game doesn't seem repetitive when it comes to exploring the other characters routes. I enjoy every bit of seeing events play out from their own unique perspectives. I really can't wait for the next chapter.