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Nito Souji

A member registered Oct 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you so much for sharing this! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

Thank you! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ
I don't have experience with Mac nor Linux, so I don't have a plan to support them so far. Sorry about that...😥

Thank you so much for such encouraging words! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

Yeah, indie dev is a kind of gamble. I need to figure out how I can survive if this game will flop (´・ω・`)

Hope you enjoy the demo! 😊

Thank you ryfoxx! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

Hope you enjoy the demo! :D

Thanks man! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ
It really helps to spread word of mouth about Pull Stay!

Thank you so much for your warm encouragement and great suggestion!

ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

Actually the layout of the upstairs is one of the key points of this game. I was thinking about this point a lot. Can't say that the current implementation is the best, but I'm feeling kind of OK with that so far. Yeah, you can't see enemies behind the wall, but I see it's a kind of interesting challenge. Not too bad for me.. (´・ω・`)
With that said, if more people will complain about this problem, I will think of revising the current implementation.
"Outlining enemies behind the wall" is a simple solution. Maybe we don't need to show the outlines all the time. Occasional flickering could serve the purpose..

Anyway, I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks! (´▽`)

Thank you for the kind words! (´▽`)
I'm glad to see you fellow dev from Malaysia! 

Thank you so much for the bug report!

And I am sorry about your inconvenience.

It seems like an issue caused by DirectX. Many people seem to have the same error message on many games.

Could you check this page and see if these solutions will work out for you?

Thank you so much for trying my game! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

not sure if I can make for PS but highly appreciate your support! (´▽`)

Thank you for checking my game again! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

Thank you so much for taking the time to make such an entertaining video! It's the best thing we indie developer can hope to spread the word!
I really appreciate you picked up my game and shared it with your great community. If you have any suggestions for making the game more accessible for content creators, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

I really appreciate your attention and kind words!
Hope we will work together later on ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

Thank you! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ

Thank you so much for taking the time to make this fantastic video! I'm so happy that my game is featured in such a hilarious let's play! ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ
And also deeply sorry for your inconvenience about the "stuck" bug. That bug has been haunting for a while and I implemented a remedy system in the latest version(v1.01). Hopefully, it should fix the bug now.
I believe this game's exposure/future is depending on wonderful creators like you guys. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me. Thank you again!

Thank you for trying my game again!
It really helps the exposure of Pull Stay, and also encourages me a lot!
Yeah, if the game will have enough users on Steam, I will definitely try porting to consoles too. Hopefully (੭•̀ᴗ•̀)੭

Thank you for the kind words! 
I'm really happy to hear you liked my game (◍´ꇴ`◍)
Hope your great community likes it too!

Thank you for taking  the time to play my  game and make a video!
Someone makes a video about my game... it feels amazing! ( ´ ∇ ` )

I just uploaded the free demo of my wacky beat 'em up game Pull Stay.

This game is inspired by Final Fight, Streets of Rage and other classics. Also combined with the Tower Defense mechanics and the funny vibes of Japanese comedy shows.
I hope you guys enjoy it and would definitely love to hear your feedback.
Thank you!