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A member registered Mar 06, 2021

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That happens when there are empty lines in your text field. It doesn't know what to do with it, so it generates random stuff

The latest Patreon version does not support the 16xx series yet. And you need the 9$ tier for the downloads. Might want to wait until half precision can be turned of though

it works on my old 1080, and I think I saw 1070 working somewhere. Other than these you would want an RTX 20xx or RTX30xx series
All Nvidia, no AMD support

The models sadly don't work with 16xx series cards

SD 1.5 is not available for download as far as I know. Only available on dreamstudio yet.

the patreon version uses th same model as the itch one. just the GUI features are different

Version 1.5 is not available for download yet afaik

Do you have a GTX 16xx series Card?

I tried it on the patreon version and it's amazing! Hope it gets to itch for you guys as well soon :)

Kind of funny stuff, version 0.3 made her smile! with the same prompt and seed, thanks for sharing btw!

Thank you for the quick reply and the fix. Looking forward to the update!

Great piece of software by the way. ✨

(1 edit)

Hello there!

I can't seem to get the Shader Save/Export to work. When I click the "Save" or "Save As" button nothing happens and no window opens. Is this function not implemented yet? i couldn't find anything in the patchnotes or roadmap.

Here are my Specs:

Version Apla 0.9

Windows 10 - 64bit

OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2

OpenGL ES Batching: ON