I'm a writer and software/game dev on the side myself, so I fully understand where your coming from and I hope I didn't provide any unintended stress or other problems with my question. Was just genuinely curious was all. Thanks for the clear answer! <3
Recent community posts
Its with the girl from the gym. I first went to the library and the park on day one, met a girl each but no requests. Only option for requests was the girl from the gym, and now I get stuck in only being able to repeat a scene with said girl from the gym when going out to search for more clients. Its an infinite loop and I can't seem to get anymore clients what-so-ever. Can't even go back to the library or gym as those options no longer exist.
I've noticed that if you encourage a certain situation for long enough, the script/game/ai forgets where you are, who your talking to, what your doing, etc, and replaces it with a whole new situation. For instance, I was exploring a shop, got ambushed, negotiated peace, and then suddenly I was in a laboratory like what??
My main question is this: Is there any way to get the "drone" companion from the start of the game without sexing her? I personally avoid all sex scenes where the pc uses their dick in any way as it greatly ruins the fun for me (I prefer the descent into femininity and avoiding all masculinity of the player), and I've noticed that pretty much every sex scene is this way.
As an extension of above, is there any way we can expect alternate scenes, maybe ones that we can choose from?
Also, can we expect more companions in the Chapter 2 & beyond? I know we got the robot (forget her name), the scientist lady once we move into the 2nd part of Chapter 1, the Slimegirl who isn't implemented yet, and the drone girl I haven't seen myself yet.
Also, what can we expect with the slimegirl? I really love the path of a slimesuit, but I'm concerned about the whole "permanent merging with the scientist lady" as that comes off as pretty intimidating, at least to me. I'd personally prefer to have the slimesuit without the tag-along permanently residing inside of me.
When finishing the first chapter, the only endings that work are the Helen, Valentine, & Sigma endings. I've maxed out the 5 hearts for Mei & Susan but neither of them work. I have the latest patreon release. Do I have to go somewhere specific to find Mei/Susan?
Also, can I max out the hearts for more than 1 character during the champion segment, or do I have to only max out a single character for it to work?