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A member registered May 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! I’m sure that that will help.

I can totally understand that. I'm a beginner too and was hoping to learn stuff during the jam. My main coder's computer broke during the jam and unfortunately I'm still not great at any game engines so I used scratch. If you had fun its all that matters.

I can totally understand that. I'm a beginner too and was hoping to learn stuff during the jam. My main coder's computer broke during the jam and unfortunately I'm still not great at any game engines so I used scratch. If you had fun its all that matters.

Really nice graphics and music design. The gameplay is a little bland. just choosing from 2 elements when one always beats the other is not really fun for me.

Really fun game. The friction when moving seems a little low, making you slide around a little though.

yes, I know. I was in a team and was only supposed to do some of the art and some of the code. Our team had a coder who had learned both the Godot engine and Unity. Unfortunately his computer broke down day of the jam so I had to improvise. I felt like I could do scratch, and for my first game in it I feel like it’s alright. But, I completely agree with you on that it would be better in an engine. My team might try and remake it later (for a learning experience) in unity or Godot.