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A member registered Jul 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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me (Unity developer) and concept artist are looking for project to work on. Our portfolio of previous work can be found on link: I can do almost everything but usually tend to gravitate towards things none want to do (tools, porting, networking, cloud, optimization's, overhauling systems, inventing things etc...), while artist can do both props and characters concept art, and has major in Marketing/Economics which can help on those fronts if needed. We are looking for medium/small scale projects that can be pushed to pitching/demo stage in next year or so, and would prefer at least minimum amount of dedication to the project, meaning team of 4 producers and 3 marketing experts with no developers or single person with 100 million dollar idea that is looking for muscle for work is not something we would like to jump into.

We are working on other projects so our time per week is limited to about 20 hours, but if situation request can be adjusted accordingly. Our main goal is to get more experience and take part in interesting and fun project that we would be proud of in the end.

This might sound a bit too picky and I apologies for that, but we are aware of how most of the Hobby/Rev Share projects tend to end, so we want to be super sure we are commiting to right one. If you have any questions or you want to talk more feel free to dm me here or on discord: krusim (303238313328771082).

Kind regards!

wow thank you so much for playing our game. We are planning to go back to drawing board and make something a bit more interesting in next month or so.

Thank you very much <3

Pozdrav hvala na ostavljenom komentaru. Igra je napravljena s ciljem da nikoga ne mazi i pazi a efekti karata su tu vise manje da ne daju skoro nikakav konkretan opis :D. 

Add 2 turns -> igrate jos 2 puta nakon sto zavrsi ovaj krug

Increase chances by -5% for head -> kad bacate novcic imate 5% manje sanse da bude glava (ili pismo ako tako pise na itemu). To znaci da sa omjera 50% glava 50% pismo dolazite na 45% glava 55% pismo sto je benefit za neke karte koje ocekuju da falite coin flip da urade efekt a u drugu ruku je super za druge karte koje rade samo ako uspijete pogoditi.

Hvala vec pripremamo update za igru i idemo nazad na plocu za crtanje da vidimo koliko daleko mozemo dogurati. Inace igra je uradena u sklopu GGJ u 48 sati.

Hello! Thank you so much for your feedback and sharing. We will probably continue to work on this and reimplement core systems with more "fun" mechanics. Hopefully you'll be around for the update. Cheers!

It was :D such a shame we didn't manage to create formula for it on jam :D

Thank you for playing. This game was made at game jam so time limitation didnt allow us to make more. But we will continue to expand on this project :D

Thanks a lot :D

(1 edit)

Really appreciate your comment. Thank you so much!


Hey thanks :D

Thank you very much for playing. And commwnts :D

(1 edit)

Hi the game lasts for 3-5 minutes. Please try refreshing the page. Sometimes unity webgl loses focus of the window. If it doesn't work there is zip file for you to download and play. Good luck :)

I wanted just to test it but spend jumping till 200. I would actually be upset if it didn't work at browser. GJ :D


Thank you very much :D