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A member registered Jan 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi Azsimuth, great game! I did encounter one bug that reset my score to 100 whenever I reached 110, but  otherwise a very interesting concept!

Hey Noisty, I sent you a friend request my info is SodaKing#2558

Hey Denis, I sent you a friend request my info is SodaKing#2558

DM me your discord so we can team up  👍

I'm a musician. Would you want to team up?

(1 edit)

Love the game and the art is super cute! I think my only suggestion would be to put an outline or something around the top of the screen where it shows you what is coming (just because I'm a dummy and I didn't know to look there at first). Other than that, this game was great!

Hey, thanks for the feedback! I actually do use a rigid body, so I will have to take a look at making the controls more precise. Thanks for playing my game!

Thanks, I tried to make the hat as sick as possible. I think the controls are a bit hard (although I think most people don't know that you can roll across the keys), but it was a lot of fun to make a game for the jam! Thanks for playing my game!

Thanks for the feedback! I thought about having it so that if you are holding the up key when you hit a key it wouldn't make any noise (I might still add that), but since I started the game the day submissions were due (not a good idea) I decided that I might add that later after the jam. Thanks for playing my game!

@nomcool Hey, thanks for the feedback! That’s kind of what I was going for, but I realize now it may be a bit too annoying. Hope you enjoyed my game other wise!

The sprites are really cute! Good luck with the Jam!

OwO Great game UwU

Wow! Color me impressed! This is really good! The graphics are really entertaining! Good luck in the jam!

Hey this is a lot of fun! I got stuck at level 2 though. I enjoyed wall sliding and flinging myself across spike pits!

Hey, I liked your game!  The abrupt (if that's how you spell it) transitions scared me a bit, but overall the game was a lot of fun! I have to agree with @Eden though, the top down section was a bit too hard.