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A member registered Jun 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Lovely concept and well executed, as always! Everything looks very polished for a jam game, I don't think I saw any bug. I had a lot of fun replaying until I (finally ^^') won! The variety of ennemies is really cool and I think well balanced (at least enough for someone like me to enjoy the progression and feel challenged at the same time). I believe Hard mode is too hard for me though ^^ Love your primitive art and the choice of music/sound design too :D

Yeah I'm not really using the theme in the gameplay, climbing made me think about mountains, and you have to bring the sheep at the top of the map/mountain but that's the only link with the theme really xP

Thank you for playing!

That's a good idea! Maybe I'll add it after the jam :) Thanks for playing!

See? I'm slowly learning from you haha ^^ I'm planning to do my own dahu sound design session in a trijam or two :P

Also your dahu is way cuter than my dog xD

All your games are so unique and creative! I liked the main game, the idea and also the different branches at the beginning (I was able to beat the stairs the first time I played haha). I like your style and your concepts everytime, well done on this one!

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I wanted to finish the game before commenting and I'm proud to announce that I did it!!

This is a super fun and cute game, it feels easy to retry and progress even if it's a "punishing" game, I like it like that. Visuals and sound design are as awesome as the gameplay (as always). And the little "cinematic" scene at the beginning makes it very complete.

Great job! It's impressive even for 6hours!

(PS: so sad my internet does not allow me to follow your streams lately, but I'm glad to see you're still developing CozyCompany and I'll keep an eye on your projects ;) )

Thank you for playing and for your feedback! About the camera, someone else said the same thing so I removed that feature before the end of the jam, hoepfully it won't give players too much discomfort now ^^

I didn't know that game but hopefully you'll find it somewhere sometime haha :P Thank you very much for playing!

The bug of the maximum oxygen counter makes it even more challenging, it was not supposed to be that hard haha :P Thank you very much for playing and for your comment!

This bug is so annoying haha xP Thanks a lot for playing!

I was afraid of the performances too as my own computer had a hard time loading it haha xP I might have done something wrong with the visual effects, I'll try to learn more about that later.

Thank you very much for playing!

Thank you for passing by and for your kind comment! I'll try to add tutorials more often then :P

haha thank you xP I'm glad if you did. I'm not an artist, I just like drawing. Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing and for your feedback! I hope it was not too frustrating ^^ there is also a bug when you retry multiple times, the max oxygen counter does not reset so it might be even harder to estimate how much time you have left. I'll fix it after the jam probably ^^

Thanks a lot! I think you have the best official score so far haha ^^ I'm glad you liked the concept, I tried to keep it simple but I hoped it could be fun at the time, so I'm happy you enjoyed it :)

Thank you! I'm glad you like the atmosphere, I think the ocean is a bit empty and boring but I'm glad you like the art and animation!

Thank you very much!

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The French accent is perfect haha ^^ With the music and the overall vibe, I think it fits well :P

For the gameplay, I think the difficulty is well balanced because I often find this kind of games very frustrating and it was not the case with this one. I tried again, making a better use of the sonar and I think you're right, once I found a good rythm, I went pretty deep while being able to drive the capsule from time to time.

Thank you for your kind words, it's motivating :) Hopefully I'll see you (drinking water) in your next stream!

It's a really cool and polished game! I wanted to replay again and again, it's very fun and well done!

I like games based on eating I'm good at eating things haha :P This is a very fun game and a good idea for the theme, great entry!

Very cool game, it reminds me of some of my childhood games xP I like the visuals and the sound design too! Good job!

Your games are always so poetic! The art is beautiful and I'm also impressed by the audio as it must have been hard to set this right!  Good unique entry!

Thank you very much for playing! I'm glad you liked the concept, it's quite simple in the end ^^ Thanks for your kind words :)

Thank you very much for taking the time to play and for your feedback! 890meters is deeper than my own best score, congrats :P

So so cool!

The visuals, sound design, and overall vibe are awesome! I'm always impressed that you're able to do a French and English translation for your games^^

The gameplay feels really nice and polished, even with my bad skills I was able to win in three tries.

I admit that I didn't try to drive the capsule, my strategy was to play only by swimming outside all the time. I failed too often when I tried to do both, so I didn't see the point, but that's probably just because I'm very bad at games xP

Overall, it's a very good experience and feels like a very complete short game.


(Also, it was great to see you live stream the process and answer our questions live! 10 hours seems too much, no wonder you're exhausted ^^ Maybe next time you should cut the stream even if the game isn't totally finished or take breaks and come back later :P I look forward to seeing you stream the development of future games to inspire and motivate us even more!)

Thank you very much for playing and for your feedback! The update is coming but still needs a few more features and playtests before I publish it :P I added an in-game help/guide, we'll see if it works or not. As for the red herring, it is a very good idea, but I think I will keep this game quite short and not add too many content, it is just a jam game after all ^^ I'll keep this in mind for future games maybe ;)

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Thank you very much and thank you for the feedback! With the search you can search for a character name and it only display their sentences, but it is hidden and not very intuitive. If I improve the game later I'll definitely add better visual clues/filters to organize this big list of texts haha ^^'

Thank you for playing!

Really? So cool! I'm glad to see a few people have played it with no issue :D I'll try to update it anyway after the jam for the reported bugs :P Thank you very much for testing it and for your comment!

That's a cool game and I liked the context and little story behind it. The ending contains a cool message, sorry moles ^^' The gameplay feels nice and fluid, even if I wished I could have done something to make the dwarves walk faster to their target ;P Overall, great entry!

Thank you very much! And thank you for trying and using the solution to test it! I think it's really hard to complete and some links are not very logical, so it's not on you haha xD The fact that you can choose between all the previous texts is on purpose, but maybe it is not the best thing to do... I'll check similar games to see how they handle this.

Thank you for your kind words!

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Thanks a lot! I hope the little guide was understandable, I wrote it quickly :P I'm glad you enjoyed the ending, according to my timer it took me 1h13 to add it ^^' And I'm glad you liked the characters too! I had fun drawing them (I often do "comics jams" where you draw short comics in one day so I'm trained to draw quick "recognizable" characters even if I'm not a character designer at all haha)

Thank you for playing and for your kind words :)

No problem, thank you for fixing it, I was afraid we could not play your game ^^ I played it and it's really fun (and harder than I thought, I'm stuck at level "New blood" haha). The idea really fits the theme and I haven't seen any other bug, great job on this one!

Thank you for playing and for your comment! The game is also hard because the story contains mistakes and bugs, so it's probably hard to solve ^^' And the only link with the theme is that you're interviewing the employers of the victim, the ending does not contains any stronger link... all the ideas I had for the theme this week were not really using "Employers" strongly :P

It feels nice to play! I liked the effect of the particles falling when you dig :D

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Thank you very much!

Very fun idea for the theme, I know some ant-lover person who would totally approve it haha xD Sometimes I had a hard time walking amont the aphids to get the food, but overall it is very playable! Great job!

Fire them literally haha xD Why did I enjoyed this game so much, what kind of person am I? :P

This is super weird but I can't select the worker when I click, it seems to do nothing... Am I missing something?

Really?? haha xD I really thought this would be impossible to solve! I did 0 tests to check the consistency of the lies/story. Maybe you found just the right path to get to the end without too much trouble...

Thanks for playing and for your comment! It reassures me a little that I didn't do all this for nothing xP

With a theme like this one, I was waiting for your submission haha xD Great job as always! The gameplay reminds me a bit of the game Lapse. The art by you and the "No" button in the menu are perfect ^^ I managed to get all the possible endings. Thanks for letting me experience management, I'm lucky there is no glass ceiling in video games :P