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A member registered Apr 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Did you install python or just download it? you may need admin to do this as well, depending on your OS

That's a pretty good score! (beats me at 12593)

The yellow and brown don't activly do anything, instead they show what will be red/green the next round.

As for they higher speeds, they do indeed increase, just slowly at first. (level 1 is 16 frames between them, 2 is 15, then 14, etc. after level 6 it waits two levels to increase speed.) By level 29 you move every frame. The level increase is based on every 5 rounds (returning to the center) because collecting more greens results in more points scored at lower speeds. 

It probably would have been wise to include this info on the page. Thanks for the review.

Now with the changed physics and added elements it's down to 30!

How fast can you beat the level? my best is 36 seconds

game design isn't easy if you expect it to be then you probably shouldn't be here

correct me if I wrong but isn't that half of coding and making a game

don't quote me but I think the point is that we start when the jam starts