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A member registered Jun 28, 2020

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if the link gonna be on well everybody gonna have it and if it's on the patreon or discord well.... i can't cause i don't have them

oooh thanks ^^ so we need to save often or replay the game if we want to try other thing and have all the CG 馃槒馃槒

I didn't know there was a thing like that ^^ it's a good thing even if a very small hint could be great

for now i don't have any complain exept for the ingame button to be bigger but you already working on it so.... 

Just a little thing... the gallery don't show me the CG #3, 7 and 8 or i'm already in the late chapter 2 when i got to do the real demon job (so just after the paper delivery minigame)

Vox Gremory communityCreated a new topic Android

yaaay finally the android update 馃い馃槉馃槉馃槉馃槉馃槉

I will play that awsome game and going to enjoy the art 馃サ馃サ馃サ

Thanks for the dev for making the android build and for making and upgrading one of the rare DxD games 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍

idk honnestly..... i still belive Carrot gonna put the update here when the act 3 gonna be finished but.... yeah start looking at the patreon or the official website.....

But it's a little sad we don't have any news from a while it like Carrot forgot about XD

Yeah i.... just see it... idk why i didn't see the 0.9 3 month ago 馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄

but my coment is still good XD (exept for the mistake in the version of the game)

So any new's about it?

He say it in the last public release, he have erased the VA to find better one that suit more in the game and the girls

There something that would be funny and i'm a little sad that was not in the game it's when you finish a book you can have a chance to hurt someone when you toss it out the window

It have cross my mind and i wanted to see this 馃槀馃槀

That how we reconize a good dev from a VERY good dev 馃憖 

very good dev make games for plot and can be played and apreciate even with no h scene~~

He seem like XD you know reading is hard for gamer 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀 (yeah i troll a little but i can't be helped) 

but is sad cause the storage is clearly shown next the download

Femboy are so hot i love them too

now we just need to wait for a official game instead of the demo (even if the demo is very exciting and we want to see more about our cute femboy roommate~~~ or who know... maybe other femboy sexfriend 馃槒馃槒馃槒馃槒馃槒)

Oh yeaaah i'm gonna love this game a lot!!!! 馃サ馃サ馃サ馃サ 

your other game is awsome so i have no doubt this one gonna be awsome too

I can imagine yeah.....

that why i say to don't hesitate about demanding help with us players ^^ 

Those on patreon or here could gladly help ^^

If i could (nd have the material) i will help with some translation but saddly i can't ^^"

Yeah i bet you have crazy and awsome idea cuming on your mind and you need to create story/ art etc and implement it ^^

Ooh welp i think i'm gonna go on the patreon to see it ^^ (hope it's not behind the subcription >~>)

I don't remember if you're a solo dev or have a team behind you but if you have don't hesitate to rely on them if you need it ^^ or even on us player 馃榿馃榿 i think we will be more than happy to help you with the game with the translation/ art/ story etc... even if it's for free (but i can say somethinh wrong sooo...)

Okay ^^ well it's great there gonna be nothing hidden behind the patreon when the game gonna be fully release and at 100% 馃榿馃榿馃榿

i still can't belive we're still only on chapter 1 even after all those update and events..... it feel like you're game gonna be THE game and will be better than some of the AAA 馃槀馃槀

Idk what you planing for the other chapter or even this one but i bet it's gonna be awsome like always

Maybe it's a useless thing to say but it could be great to have something like a roadmap for the game (even if there no planned release date it's just for is player to know what's on your mind about the game 馃槈)

Anyway keep the good work but don't overdo it ^^ we don't want to see you like megumin after her Explosion walk 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀

Okay ^^ i will look forward to see all the new thing you have put inside, the improuvement etc.... 馃榿馃榿馃榿

oh and another small question... 

Does the patreon location (like the crimson village and other) gonna be free one day or it's gonna be patreon only even when the game gonna be finished one day?????

I really love the game and i wonder when is the next public update???

the only downside i could make is (for now cause the game is literally 3 day old XD) the game is way to short and there like 5-6 question that go in cycle..... in like 10min i have finished the school location and it can go faster if we already know all the awnser since there very few question.... and we don't have a method to know if all the girl are on the last pic or not (well yeah we know cause there no new pic after the last but still....)

And are you planing to add our lovely neko girl Koneko and our vampire femboy Gasper???? Cause i'm kinda sad not seeing them here.....

It's good to see a new High school DxD game ^^ 

they been so rare it's almost like finding mythical beast 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀

So even if it's just trivia and IA made i will play the game and will wait for all the update it can possibly have 馃槒馃槒馃槒馃槒馃槒

Wait i'm getting on another comment and don't get notified?? OwO

I'm famous!!!!! (No XD)

But yeah you're right too it's good to make new game instead of always updating older one but it's also good if the older game got finish and have all the update before making new one.... so it make less work for the dev and he/she/they (depend of the dev and if the dev are solo or not so it's goes for all the game in the world XD) won't be like "too much work imma canceling/abandonne the games i'm making" even if i like new game like the one kk2oven just publish like 4hours ago (when i'm writing that comment) i think he could be better if he complete very older game like the chara CC or those who are like 90% complete and all that missing is some art or grammar correction 

Let's start having fun with our EXPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSION!!!!!!!!!!!! 

i know your game is great so i think i will like this one too

for what i have seen while looking on google it's still on 0.34 or maybe 0.35 but when looking on the roadmap on there official site they at middle act3 or almost.....

I also turn on the cheat for dustin games XD but i have done the legit way for the seed collector and if i remember we only have like 2-3  mission with the cave/ mountain... (if it's the one with the bear and the wolf)

and since you're here... how's the dev go? Any new from the patreon/ discord?

If you do i hope you will give us your other name so we can continu to love and play your awsome game 鉂も潳鉂も潳

thanks for the awnser ^^ but for those who can't pay for the patreon (like me) do you have a idea or it's too early to say?

How much time before the next update? Cause the game is awsome and all but.... i have finished all the content so......

yeah i see ^^ but.... why do you want her to hit target when her purpose is to be the human shield and 100% fail accuracy even at 50cm of the target 馃槀馃槀馃槀

Sooo.... is the game abandoned or not?

cause it's been almost one year and no update here..... or even a little post to say when the 0.9 will be free download....

thanks ^^ 

I will wait for the android build then but don't push yourself too deep into work ^^ 

Idk if you're a solo dev or not but still even if you have a team behind you, build the game at your own speed 馃槉馃槉馃槉

Thanks for the awnser ^^ but honnestly i tjink it could be good to make it on android too ^^ (even if i can play the game directly on the page with my phone so.... i think that the web version?? 馃槄馃槄 idk) 

I don't have read the LN so i think there gonna be some difference with the anime right? Like some anime exclusive scene or idk.... (the one with the noodle tentacle is so funny but sad it's a spin-off...)

Vox Gremory communityCreated a new topic Question

i may be dumb but..... i have downloaded the game for android to play it on my phone and.... i can't lunch it

Cause i have decompressed the file and i don't see any apk or something to play....

Sad cause it look like a good game and a High school DxD game well.... it's rare to see one

I agree and it was funny to see her reaction 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀 

(and honestly i got them by pure hazard cause i was like "what's gonna happen if i use steal on her?" Thinking i will have gold or idk)

You're welcum 馃槈

it's always a pleasure trying to help other player ^^

When you go on adventure you can have fishing spot (you need to have a rod) then only on day (and i think when you have move on megumin event a lot but i got a doubt about that) you will have the ""middle room"" unlocked and then you can feed chomusuke ^^ but only one time par day

I know you can increase her accuracy with some gear (like the balanced sword and other thing) but i can say something wrong 馃槄馃槄馃槄

You got megumin pantie after a event with her if i remember well (it's chomsuke who gave it to you in exchange of a fish) but i could say a mistake it's been a while i have them in my inventory 馃槀馃槀馃槀 (kazuma need to wash them with Rem one's too XD)

And i think it's the only panties you can get..... unless i'm missing a secret pantie steal or idk 馃憖

okay ^^

you need one more red coin? Or chaos emerald?

thanks for the awnser ^^

As i say don't overdo it cause your're solo to make/update the game

But i hope you can do it and take or have the help from us the player to improve the game 馃槉馃槉馃槉馃槉