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A member registered Mar 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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maybe soon idk yet

this is my only version as of now 

coming soon so get ready 

The only thing I used was his scripts off the gooseneck that was made public a long time ago for a base of no one owns scripts. I even gave him credit because I used some small parts of his public trailer which was a latch mechanism and the doors and I still left him credit.... he has the main credit on it too..... so

my version I have has all my ID3 exports from Blender on it. So what's your answer now? 

mine is completely different from his how about you check your information and get it right. I have made this entire mod and modeled every piece 

mine has a way different scale on the dump bed walls so you can't bull shit your way of saying I stole mods because I didn't. And don't say I stole his idea because I started this project first and I took longer because I have a life. 

mine is completely different from his how about you check your information and get it right.


it’s already got a visor but I’m not doing chicken lights. Alcoa rims might be in a update.

You should only have to pay ounce and then you get the updates to the mod when ever you should not have to pay every time.

you need to lift it up onto the bed but also rotate the plate so the bars line up with the silver boxes on the truck if that makes sense if not let me know. 

I have things I'm working on I am also in school so i don't get as much time as I did this summer. I will hopefully be releasing this and the camper very soon.

all one mod

Thank you

I think what happened is I missed the attachments file in the folder 

will be working on it sorry for the problems it has been d brought to my attention 

working on the fix sorry for the problems