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Undead Noir

A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the game.


Found a genuine bug. I am legit standing on the water after taking a Zubat Supersonic. I am able to cheese the platform jump thing by literally walking on the water.

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What do you mean restart exactly? Like close it and reopen it?
If so, that ain't working. I instantly go back to the very beginning. Like... Sibling getting stolen by Murkrows...
Edit: I'm just very stupid... All I needed to do was wait at the starting screen... My apologies.

I understand. Thank you.

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Dropped by enemies yeah? I didn't see anything in my inventory. I got the Max HP/Stamina pills and used them fine. But I saw no green pills in my inventory. Thanks for letting me know btw.

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You know where there's a tower of rocks you gotta smash at the underground level? Yeah. I got softlocked there behind the tower of rocks. I would send a screenshot, but I apparently cannot. 
I also greatly dislike the pixel perfect jumps needed. It is fun, I do like this game... But why not like a "go to last checkpoint where you insta-die when stuck? or a save function...?

How do you heal in this game without dying?

It autosaves. At least mine did. 

Is Black Mage what I think it is? Like... Final Fantasy type shit? If so, that would be fucking awesome!


Haven't played the update yet. Just wanted to say I am so damn excited! 

Thank you.

Alright. This is deep, philosophical, creepy, and TOTALLY up my alley. Loving this already.

Found a bug. Second stage where you go down a set of stairs. There are walls that do not have collision. 

This literally evolves to Stockholm Syndrome the game and I love it.

As someone who often plays the role of the healer, the stress is quite accurate. :D

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I was whooping Abra's ass at the dice rolling game, and my game crashed. I believe Abra made the game crashed to prevent losing to someone inferior.

Ah. Okay...  Thanks for replying.

Will there be other Muffet or something?

And now I got a thing for canaries. Thanks, mate...

Good fuckin' question. I am also curious about that!

YAY! I can't wait!

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Do you plan on adding additional characters?
Edit: If you already had a comment asking you this, I'm sorry. 

Already rage quit within 30 minutes. Keep it up! :D

I hate souls games...yet I also played all the Souls games from Demon Souls to Elden Ring... Have I beaten any of them? Lol nope...
The games are fantastic! I just hate getting angry...but I also really like a challenge...
To put it simply, it's not the game's fault. It's merely a skill issue. This is a great demo and I love it so far, but also at the same time I hate it with a burning passion and I look forward to the full release.

We all look forward to the full game! But don't work too hard and take care of yourself. We can be patient!

If there's dad jokes in this game, I am going to be so over the moon happy! PLEASE tell me that there's dad jokes in this game.

I did. I fell through the floor on the second level completely. But besides that, I had an awesome time and didn't encounter any more glitches.

Will there be an option to be able to switch from 3rd person to 1st person in the future? Like in the settings kind of thing

It was against slimes.

I am using Windows 10. I was in combat about to attack when it just froze up. 

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So it froze on me. 
Edit: It keeps saying that the server is down or something and I can't add a comment... I thought editing an existing comment would suffice.

The screenshot I sent isn't registering because it's over 3mb and I closed the game only to have it not allow me to load back into my previous game.

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I know that the soundtrack is supposed to help with the mood...but as a metal head with a love for all music (Metal my favourite), I just cannot help but bob my head to those parts of the story. 
Gosh! All of the soundtracks in this are so well made! 

Edit: I would love to find these soundtracks in the game files but I have no clue where to look.

It got me wondering what I would be like in this position...

oh...i am just an asshole then...i feel bad now. T~T

The music when Wallace was trying to save the person in trouble (For me, it was Lucas) rocked. Made me headbang.  

But still, the situation just...gosh... I really like this game and I am aware of the disclaimers, but man...

I hate the fact that I can't have a peaceful ending without Barrett being taken and used... Making me choke like this, tugging at my heartstrings like that... Not cool, man. Not cool. T~T