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A member registered Oct 08, 2023

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(2 edits)

Nothing in my character inventory. I bought two exemplary of flux for exemple and not a single of them is in inventory.

I ll just try to redowload, maybe my version s not working correctly !

Edit : Just found how it worked ... the little square button at the right of the menu. 

Ty for the fast help !

Really fun game so far ! but am i stupid for not knowing how to equip item i bought in shops ?

Hello there !!! Good job for the game and the follow you re giving to it !

I think i m pretty much over the actual version and i m seeing people talking about emily growing ?!? 

I m searching everywhere in school in various hours and dates and cant find it !

(2 edits)

Also tried multiple browser but nothing worked !!! I tried it anyway and that s a really interesting game !

Last question ! what is your favourite IA software or which did you used on that game ?cause i dont find one that trully work for me !

Is that even possible to full screen it ? i totally see the button but that's not working ! 

Witch AI logicial was used to create this ? There is so much of them and i recognize some kind of patern on this one ! 

Anyway funny one to play !