Hello! I think that the tutorial should tell you where the tutorial tab is in the beginning. I didn't notice it was there while I was playing with it until I checked here. I also think it may be a good idea to let players skip just a section of the tutorial as opposed to either having a tutorial or not, though that may or may not be good!
Recent community posts
Ran into an issue with the tutorial on the "Hire Dance Staffer" Step. I purchased a dance studio first then clicked through the menu to hire a staffer pretty quickly, and the tutorial got stuck on the "Hire Dance staffer" step. I tried hiring another, but the tutorial screen hasn't changed. I can't assign either to a room.
I have issues with the doctor's auto physical stamina recovery. I think that when auto stamina recovery is on and I drop an idol in to heal an injury, after that's done I'd really like the doctor to continue doing auto physical stamina recovery. Instead I have to toggle this on and off for it to work. And if I may add, I think it would be cool and make sense if an idol couldn't be injured if she was in physical stamina recovery with a doctor. Oftentimes I have an idol running low and she's in the doctor, when suddenly she gets injured! I find it near impossible to keep everyone's stamina up! If anyone has tips I'd love to hear 'em!
Hello! I just downloaded the beta and I’m super excited, and I’ve been playing for a couple hours but no matter what I do I can’t produce a single. No matter what number of CDs I input, I can’t click the continue button. I also can’t unlock anything under marketing, genre, lyrics, or choreography. Everything says “0/432 pt to unlock” but I can’t actually figure out what kind of points this is referring to and how I can get them. I know this is the basic of basics, but I’m really in a bind! Thank you!