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A member registered Aug 15, 2023

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female mega man 

(1 edit)

like always, i didn't read the instructions, certain that i'd know what to do. i picked a fight with the brown toad, and threw black and white cards into a pot, along with a few sigils. i refined, and extracted, refined, and extracted, repeating this process several times. i was going to make the fattest potion in existence, and kill this bitch ass toad. however... nothing happened. i didn't make any potion, and then the toad killed me. astounded that i had died, i ended the run, and returned to the game's main menu. although this may seem like a somewhat unremarkable anecdote, it actually offers a fairly accurate view into how i live my daily life. when confronted with something that requires me to read instructions of some sort, i don't. it's not that i don't know how to read, i just choose not to, and in the process i suffer the consequences. for example, just last week i was gifted a futon from ikea by a friend of mine. when i opened the box, i realized that it was in pieces, and that i would have to read the manual to put it together. instead, i threw that shit away, and tried to build it myself. i failed, and now when friends come over to my place, and lay their eyes upon my futon, i tell them that it's an abstract piece of modern art that i had bought. although i have struggled throughout my life as a result of my refusal to read, i'm not going to change. in fact, i refuse to change. i will not become one of the reading sheep. basically, i just wanted to ask you to please, make this game more accessible to people who don't want to read instructions. thanks.


fuck yeah, got my certificate (i stopped reading half-way in) 

(2 edits)

died day 6 

it was fun until i died 

fucking toki pona nerds 

holy FUCK. i've always wanted to do this. 

i'm pretty sure this is exactly how conan lives his life.

a minute in and you're telling sex jokes. better wash your mouth, dassalo buddy. 

this happened to me once. 

(1 edit)

as a proud city commuter, i refuse to fall for this walkable city propaganda. 

this took me by surprise. i thought it'd be some sentimental shit, but then there's a monster gyrating in the doorway. guess i should've read the description. good shit, though. i've always wanted to make a game about a dream i had, but i lack the programming experience to do it. 

tricked that bitch into falling down the pit. that's what she gets for calling me rookie. 

fucking kraut game

yeah, okay

eh. if you pair up with jiggery panky it sounds kind of cool, just make sure to pair it up before the drums come in (in this song). 


which one of you replied lol 

if the world was suddenly threatened by asteroids from space, hurtling towards the surface of the earth, and they needed a single pilot, one man, with great skill at operating an aircraft, and impeccable aim,  to deliver humanity from the unfeeling, uncaring brutality of an asteroid onslaught, which would surely destroy civilized society as we know it, and, at worst, wipe away the human race as a automobile operator wipes away the bug on his windshield... 

...they probably shouldn't call upon me 

reeeaaal good man, reeeaaal good man 

holy shit how fragile do you have to be when someone is trying to be nice to you you have a fucking breakdown, and make a bitsy game about it 

fuck yeah texas 

i'm the best at this game. king of looking at things. 

i don't think i was meant to go into the river 



great job, honestly. 


awesome game. using the slingshot thing is a little tricky to learn at first, but once you got it down you feel like a badass. 


gotta keep all these damn elves outta salperth

why is it all black? 


cool. fun game. did you make the music for it? 

good to have some irish representation in games 

you know, this happened to me once

lesser key of solomon vibes 

purposefully giving each customer a concoction of every ingredient i have behind the counter goes kind of hard

haha wasn't prepared for stone in focus. i'm surprised that only one guy in the comments of this game recognized it was aphex twin. lately, i can't seem to escape him. not that i want to, i guess. anyway, good game; the idea of lsd clicker game is pretty unique, i think.