Could you possibly add a Linux port? Debian is the most common form and Godot has wonderful support for it.
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If you're on a Deb/Ubuntu-derived Linux, there's an extra requirement. Open a terminal and input:
sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev
Note: If you run into the glibc_2_38 not found error, the game's not compatible with your Distro. Try to update and try again-but please.
Please please please, DO NOT TRY TO UPDATE GLIBC! You WILL break your Linux install! Everything on your system relies on the compiled version of that library. THERE BE DRAGONS HERE.
You're welcome.
Sadly, shut down on February of 2024-but thankfully, the game is now being sold for 5 USD on Steam!
What an amazing game! I remember starting playing your games shortly before you announced that you'd had OnR3 started, but decided to kill the project.
This was very much a better game for you to make at the time, you absolutely made the right call on that. You've come a long was as a creator and designer since the first OnR and I'm glad that you and I both experienced the wacky import game on Playstation Underground.
I am sure if you told the you who played the game back then that you'd make games like it that sold well, he'd be extremely thrilled!
What an amazing journey. I have purchased this game three times, once on Steam, twice on Android. Worth it each time. I used to install the demo onto phones in Radio Shack and leave it running for people to discover lol
MU* refers to things like the earliest multiplayer games, "Multi-User Dungeons." The original MUDs were often based on Rogue, which is the origin of the term and genre, Roguelike. Over time, they evolved to include many more features and people came up with versions that centered around roleplay, sometimes called MUSH (multi-user shared hallucination), MUX, MOO, etc. The easiest way to refer to them became MU*. (The star symbol was used as a wildcard character, to indicate you didn't want an exact search on early computers.)
MU* usually relies on the same kind of telenet clients that power IRC, but usually have additional feature to support things like dicerolls and a room. PennMUSH, DikuMUD and Evennia are examples of clients for creating MU* servers. Evennia is the most recent one, powered by Python so you can actually understand its code if you are using GDScript!
Graphical MUDs were the precursor to MMOs and a few are even still in operation decades later!
In fact, Everquest, the first game to be called an MMO used DikuMUD under the hood and actually got sued by the college that maintained it for not giving proper credit and therefore breaking terms of service!
Great work, hope to see this supported a while. Love that this exists, I remember when the OG app was around. I'm also really, really glad this is open source. If you could get the log saving to work, this would actually be really, really handy for roleplaying communities in general outside Homestuck. MU* engines are really old, with only two Telnet clients for such that are really worth mentioning. Thus: I am really excited to see this develop.
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