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A member registered Aug 19, 2019

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Well, with all due respect to the hard work they put into the project it's kinda lame to shut it down like this.

Even if they are not going to work on it ever again, leaving it accessible in its latest state, especially for the people who bought it, or even giving it up to the community for pickup would've been a much better and much more trusted choice.

Well, who am I to judge though, it's up to them. I'll just be sure to never get involved with anything they do in the future.

(1 edit)

True, I just did that myself and the pages are not found. I can confirm that I followed the same link a few days ago and it was there. Now it's not.

I see. Yeah there's the mention of looking for a developer. If you worked in Unity, I could help, because I really like where this is going and would love to see it done. But not Unreal though.

If you ever find yourself switching to Unity and still needing help, feel free to drop me a line.

Well good luck with the further progress. I'll keep watching out for new versions! It would be amazing to see an interpretation of the Book of Enoch in an interactive and gamified form. From the demo it alsolooked like it's not a 1-to-1 story, but some kind of adaptation with a cetain "practical" approach. Very exciting. I feel like we need more such media these days.

Hey, nice demo. How's it going further with the development?