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A member registered Nov 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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с вами?)


(1 edit)


спасибочки брооооо ;-)

я отправила тебе заявку в диси 

(6 edits)


This is me

Yes, you can use it however you want! ✨

Yep, of course!

Hi! Thank you for nice feedback 💘!

Yeah I understand meaning of CC0. I am just entered the world of game art and playing around here to find my place 😊. So I'm not driving crazy about somebody not mention me in theirs project)

But in future probably I would make CC4 assets and maybe paid ones, who knows...

Thanks for OGA advice, I will look to it!

> If it is intended for not to lose original shapes so I recommend to create several files? I am not sure

Yeah, there is duplicate shapes because whole item has white outline (cannot be seen on white background 😅), which I cannot achieve with my current toolkit without duplicating whole shape. Probably that background blue shape should not have color Fill. I will fix it and join shapes to make it cleaner in next version :-)

And SVGs are just an export variant of tooling I currently use. So maybe there are ways to achieve same effect with less shapes, but it will need extra manual work on post-export stage, I don't know for sure.

Thank you very much! I appreciate it ❤️

😱 How could I forget to put it in a pack!?

Done! You can find it in environment/ folder - background_wall, left_wall, right_wall

Done! I appreciate your attention 😱

Yes, of course! Send me a link with your project when ready to see it in action 😊