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ah bones in meshes isn't that hard of a fix.
try this > Skeletal Editor Usage Guide | Epic Developer Community (
2 Questions and my opinion. (hope you respect the feedback as it comes from a hardcore gamer, that enjoys games and a more of a sandbox game style)
I do have a legit question, why is the male protag. such a dumb a$, whimp, sc*mbbag? who can't keep a damn word he promises, this sort of portrait of the male char, is why women thing men think about nothing but tits, ass and sex.
I mean really, the male protag is too stupid to make his own breakfirst with 1 hand?? or a drink? or take the plates out, or help hang the washing up? he is too stupid to do anything but beat off.
and what sort of perv. copy's pictures from another person's computer. that's just sick
(before you say it was for the P.O. then why did he look through ALL of the pictures and focus on the more.. inappropriate ones more, then the lost friend of emily, and how would he know that its the lost friend?)
I broke my arm in 4 places. and I still did all that and MORE, this male protag is horse manure.
and i am being polite here.
there are only 2 saving graces in the games.
the teasing jokes and the HALF decent graphics.
(i won't ask why the male protag keeps changing colours more then a clown has on his outfit, like the dude changes from white to almost very shade in between to black, and then the spelling, I'm dyslexic and I caught over 50 spelling mistakes, and I will not even ask what is up with the floating objects in the game... I do want to know where they bought there plates, furniture and such thoe.. i mean that crap floats from scene to scene almost as much as the male protag changing colours)
from episode? 3. and i have to be honest the male protag piss'd me off so much.. i did nothing but deny everything from point onwards.
I mean the male protag is a total moron, IF.. and I mean IF.. a woman confides in you on the terms that you say nothing, and give no advice or anything, that means she doesn't want any, Soo then why the F. is the male protag giving it.?
he wanted to steal a glance.. and i was like "hell no, dude, you need to go and die in a hole somewhere"
and why does the player not get options to break other promises?
I mean he watched pr0n on emilys laptop? so why can't the player be all like "f*k u ashley. i wanna f*k lisbeth, while u sort your crap out" ?
I mean seriously. give some choices, if the male protag. is a lying cheating, promise breaking sc*mbag. why are you FORCING me down the story and go with ashley, if your making these choices. give me all the choices atleast and tell ashley ur gonna stay behind and do lisbeth!
I mean. if it's the male protag's goal to get his d! licked, he would never pass up lisbeth. it's a cuter ashley version.
and yes. i would have prefered to stay in the car with Flynn, then go in that.. shop and get that ear r@p3 frn ashlyn
so back to my original question "why is the male protag. such a dumb a$, whimp & sc*mbag?
edit : a 2nd question. what's the point of the corruption system??
if your locking us in this BS, the points keep going up regardless of the choices. and i can't opt out of anything!!! (and yes i mean anything!!!!!!!!)
if u don't like MILF stuff, ur screwed.
if u don't like ashley / her char / tatt'd body / personality, ur screwed.
if you don't emily and want to avoid getting the feeling that ur m*lesting a kid ur screwed.
this game would be 100% more enjoyable if it was just a side scroller of pictures and nothing else, none of the options matter, you have no significant options to change anything, and your locking us in to this trainwreck.
I can HAPPILY say.. at the end of EP.8
i had only 19 affection and 9 corruption with emily.
10 with samantha.
15 some how with ashley.
and 7 with luis.
was the purpose of the game for me to hate it? if it was. you did it very very very very very well.
the male protag personality is more sketchy then my damn etchasketch
if it wasn't then.. sorry. I hated it.
on a more personality note. Emily, is a brown nosing b*tch, who I would have personally cut contact with or ignored, block on the phone, etc. she is what you call.. a "shit stirrer"
and giving a woman your phone??? really? i mean REALLY! you must be living in a fantasy world. no man, who knows what's good for him, would let a woman ever use / access his phone, hell.. even my sister doesn't let her husband access her phone, and she's married to him!
and not telling "yo main man luis" that emily is hiding behind that metal beam? and that she demands to go with you when ur going to go out .. jesus..
and yet again.. the male protag. is stuck with the child. during his night out with his main man.
and Luis's line "it's creepy" is beyond then 100% accurate. maybe like 10,000% creepy.
i hope for EP10. your going to add-in some REAL choices.. like ditching emily. and going with the chance with the too ladies and loosing points with emily, and hell... maybe even give us the ability to pick 1 person ONLY to focus on. and work on them, and ignore everyone else, and screw that relationship up. make a GAME. not some.. railed story line, where u just sit back and watch and cringe the entire time.
the ONLY semi-decent character in the ENTIRE game is "ELI" yes. that's right ELI (the 70+ yr old mechanic , that has no real interest in anything but his cars and an attraction to samantha)
:note: i do love these kind of games though, i have like 60 - 70, and i can get behind 95% of all stories and protags, but yours so far is the only 1 I regret owning
so in the end..
Give us OPTIONS to shut things down!!!
like warning ur main man, that emily is hiding behind the metal beam, to shut emily down, and force her to go home
telling ashley that ur going to stay at the tattoo parlour and ur going to get ur d! licked / sucked / watever, from lizthbeth then going with her. instead of deal with her family stuff.
when your in the security room with ashlyn., give us the option to make a deal right then and there. and do her / touch her / what ever. and screw ashley over..
when you take the food up to ashley and emily, why am i locked in to kissing samatha? what if i don't want her. give us options to just walk off with the food, with out the kiss.
and make those actions cost us points... that's all i want. if your going to make us choose, give us options to stop the progression of the others.
@RuneyGames , Question.. is it possible to kick out Maria / play with out her, and give the room to Kali's Sister? or maybe 1 of the twins? or a completely new character. ?
*Not a fan of Maria's character (nothing wrong with it, just not for me), so I'd LOVE the option / ability to kick / remove / opt-out of the character & story
The rest of the characters & game are amazing! Keep up the good work.